Digging Deeper!

My Father, You are so great. Holy Spirit, You are deepening the river of life within my heart. Please come and flow fiercely as you direct my steps as I follow you. 

My faithful daughter, you are mine and I am in you. 

Holy Spirit, I know your presence in me. I can feel your joy living and vibrating in my heart. I’m sensing that I’ve reached a place where I can’t go beyond…like I’m stuck. It’s not like I’m stuck in a negative way; I’m sensing that I’ve come to a point where I’ve come to a crossroad or something, which I can’t explain except that the way I’ve been going as I follow you has been really exciting and difficult…. but now I sense some sort of change is coming. 

Yes Caroline, change is coming. Trust me Caroline to continue to lead the way.

Holy Spirit, I wish I could see the map more clearly by now, but you’ve showed me that the map you’ve given me is blank. I believe this is so that I won’t want to take control and direct my own steps but continue to be reliant on you.

My darling, trust me to see you through. Come, follow me to make you a fisher of men, for I delight in you. 

Have your way in me Father. Mold me Holy Spirit to become who you’ve made me to be. I know I need to dig deeper into you, so guide me as I do this. I really don’t know the way except to continue walking as I am, so please open the doors you want me to walk through and I will walk through them with you. 

I will surely take you through them Caroline. I have called you and you’ve come. Now we’ll go in deeper. 

Okay Lord. I sense that I’m ready. I’ve learned what it means to rest in you, so please help me remember this -I’m putting this nugget of wisdom and truth into my pocket.


I believe God’s taking me on a deeper journey of knowing who I am in Christ. Last night the Lord gave me the most amazing dream. I was watching a huge machine that was meant to dig deep into the earth. It had a cone shaped front that could rotate like a screw, allowing it to grind through the ground. Half of its body could turn around the other half of itself and could manoeuvre its way in any direction. What captured all of my attention though was a person sitting right in the middle of the machine, in the surface of it because the person was one with the machine. At first I thought the person was sitting directly on the surface, but then I saw him sink into the steel and I could still see his mold very clearly, a very pliable and movable mold even though the machine was made out of iron or steel. 

I know the person represents the Holy Spirit living inside of me. I also think that the Holy Spirit makes the church like one body in Christ, the Holy Spirit connecting us. We are a powerful force only because of the Holy Spirit!!

The other part of the dream, I was in a museum, following Gods direction as I grew to love him more, but this road has been so challenging, trying to figure so many things out, that I thought that having my own map would be less difficult. So I went to the information desk and asked for a map and she gave me one. I went back and opened it up only to find that it was blank on both sides, meaning that the Lord wants to keep being the only one to lead. When I walked back to the lady of information, I saw that that area was now blocked off; non negotiable:) 

The Lord is bringing in changes as I continue to walk deeper into my calling, using a map that’s invisible to me. But I think that it’s far better this way because then I know that I’m not going my own way and messing things up. It also requires me to be more dependant on the Holy Spirit, sharpening my listening skills and becoming more obedient to my Dad.