Here We Go!!

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noon day sun.” -Psalm 37:5,6


Papa, I love You. ThankYou for Your love. ThankYou for Your grace. ThankYou for dying on the cross for my sins and for raising up to life three days later. ThankYou for teaching me what Your unconditional love is. ThankYou for teaching me what Your unconditional love is. ThankYou for leading me in a difficult journey so that I can deeply understand why I need Your grace; it brings life to my heart.

My daughter, I love you. You are Mine. Be anxious for nothing.

Papa, help me be at rest every moment tomorrow so I don’t miss You. 

Come My faithful one, I am pleased with you.


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings.

April 20: 4:03 “I’m Jesus Mighty Name, I believe!”

I dreamt that we were living in a new/different big house and we had many kids. Some were a few years old and some were newborn. There were two babies, one of them was so small and the other slightly bigger, wrapped up in their blankets and laying on the floor. The smaller one wrapped up like a snail to keep warm and I immediately took him/her into my arms to have skin contact, and he/she responded to my touch. 

One scene where there was water leaking from the ceiling all over like it was raining, and I was so worried about it, not sure we could afford to get the problem fixed. I told my husband about it and I ran upstairs to look for the problem. I found the problem when I saw one of our daughters had changed out of her sopping wet shorts, shirt and shoes and put them onto one of those old square vents where you can see to the floors below. I looked down to the floor below and saw my husband/hubby standing there, and I said something to make him look up and know that that’s what the problem was (I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will show me what this means). The shorts I saw in this dream weren’t running shorts, but casual shorts. I recognized yesterday that I should have responded quicker about being the runner, and I was handling the white plates and was a runner, but I should have followed quicker to get to that point. I think I responded quicker today (I was a runner and filling coffee cups, reminding me of putting white “rings” together in my previous dream), and I’m thinking it has something to do with trusting more. I don’t know if I ever get everything right, and so need to remind myself that God/Jesus loves me and are not laughing at me when I don’t get it right. Reminding myself of this helps me to keep going. Today we watched the Marvels and Somebody feed Phil, the episode when he went to Dubai; he ate edible gold on dessert, didn’t know there was such a thing! In my dream about the square vents, our old house had two of them. Here we go!!

Afternoon: I keep remembering not to nap but sometimes I need to.. I took a quick nap and woke up without an alarm at 5:55 with the lyrics, “In Jesus Mighty Name, I Believe!” Not taking a nap could also mean not to forget “BLESS.” I haven’t been praying for my neighbours everyday, but I will again, thinking about the elderly lady two houses down. I’m going to invite her over, but I need to work on my testimony first, hopefully tomorrow.

In the dream about growing up, what comes to mind is the song/lyrics, “You took the place of me…”

I had a Blue Matcha Latte at church today, with Lavender seeds at the top:) Today I read from “How to Use This Book on page 59- Part Two/Habit 1. I think it would go quicker if I’m not writing notes, but I’m thinking that later I’m going to want to know where certain things are written, so I’m writing what I think are the most important things. I agree that if I’m reading with the intent of teaching what I’m learning, I’ll remember the content better. On page 65 I only got to number 8 for the first try, then I tried it again with a more organized way, and I finished about five seconds to spare! 

I took both pamphlets about the North End Campus. The desire I have and what I’m sensing to do is participate in one of the weekends with the Missions team. I would actually love to do that and I’m thinking it would help me come out of my shell. What I need to do first is write out my testimony so I know what I would say. I’m going to Shopgym tomorrow.. I raised my hand today and will raise my hand every time because I don’t know when to and when not to. Blessings…😭