I Will Follow You Jesus!!

“I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me find me.” Proverbs 8:17


Papa, I love You so much. You are the Love of my life. I will follow You wherever You go because I trust You and because I love You. 

Come, it’s time. You are Mine and I love you completely. Be at rest.

Papa, I know Your Peace more now, but I’m wondering when the next test will be? I feel like I’m always being tested so I always need to stay alert. Help me stay alert and always be observant. I always want to be ready to follow You. 

My daughter, rise up. 

Papa, I’m remembering my dream where I saw the top end of the ladder  coming from down below by the shoreline. I believe You’re leading me out from where I was and You’re going to lead me into freedom. Free to follow You without hindrance. 

Caroline, I have a word for you today; Come, follow Me and I will make you a fisher of men. Will you come?

Yes Jesus, I will come. I’m coming whole-heartedly!! I will follow You!! 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings.

4:16 “All praise to God the Father, All praise to Christ His Son, All praise to the Holy Spirit, …Three in One.. Our God has overcome! The King who was and is and evermore will be, in Jesus Mighty Name, I believe!” (I had heard different lyrics this time but I slept in a few more minutes and I forgot what they were. Then when I woke up again these were the lyrics -the time I wrote is the when I first woke up)

I had a dream where there was a really big hot air balloon the size of a big ship. A group of us were trying to get away from an evil person and his/her followers. We were running away from them, trying to hide from them. There was a scene where there was a long kitchen that had a bend in it, so we were on one side and the enemy and their group were on the other. I looked at my group and we were all happy, looking joyful, peaceful and calm. It was like the enemy wasn’t a threat, but I was feeling anxious that they were so close.

Then the scene changed where the enemy got me and put his/her hand on me and my body became possessed, filled with a yellow substance (I didn’t see yellow, just knew it). Right when the enemy put his/her hand on me and I was being transformed, beginning to be filled with what they had, I said a quiet prayer in my heart of desperation, a cry to God asking for help. I thought that after I was possessed I wouldn’t remember who I was. I felt the inside of myself being replaced by this stuff that reminds me of solid gold (I read in my book yesterday about the golden eggs and the chicken/the producer of the golden eggs). I also sensed that my eyes would also show yellow/the gold that had filled my body. I’m sensing this represents new life. What I had been filled with wasn’t evil, but was something I had felt overwhelmed by, and that was being a pastor/speaker. Someone laid their hand on me and I was filled with the Holy Spirit and with pastoral anointing!? The old is passed away and I’ve become new, a new creation in Christ Jesus. As I was being filled, I had a sense of “becoming a man” or becoming grown up (song/lyrics, “you took the place of me…”)

Then it was another scene (same dream), I was standing a little ways away, watching myself, but myself was now the husband talking with his wife. He was leaning on the counter and his wife was in front of him; they were facing each other, talking. She didn’t know what had happened and he was totally not a threat to her. Yay Victory!

Yesterday we bought a ticket for someone who may not be able to afford to go to camp!

All we need to have is a willing heart. A willing heart to follow Him. We can’t set ourselves free, it doesn’t matter how much we try. It’s all Him. Thank You Holy Spirit!

I went back to sleep and woke up at 7:44 with these lyrics in my heart, “I will never be ashamed, of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How could I ever walk away, from the One who saved my life!” All praise to God the Father..

In this dream I was on Main Street here in town, in front of the bank and right at the corner of 2nd Ave S. The street lights weren’t on so it was pitch black outside; but there was a light on somewhere because in the darkness I could see vaguely that someone was waiting in their vehicle on Main street  to follow me. I was aware of the danger, like someone was waiting for me to turn the corner and walk down the dark street where there were no lights to grab me. I was completely naked and my foot slipped on the gravel and I fell onto the ground (not following on Friday?) Then I was standing but completely aware of the danger I was in and I just stood there, afraid to move. Then someone who I trusted came and stood by me, and I was so relieved and so thankful!! I was not ashamed in the slightest, just so thankful that someone I trusted had come to rescue me…(Saturday someone was leaning into the room but I pretended not to notice, feeling tense, then a few moments later I looked up and he was gone and my hubby had walked into the room, feeling safe and so much better…)

 I was driving a car, a convertible and the roof was down. Lucas and Bella were in the car; Lucas was in the passenger side and Bella was in the back seat. We came to a rounded corner and I put on the brakes as hard as I could, and I watched the edge of the road, maybe it was a curb or wall slowly pass by the car, nearly touching as I kept on braking and turning the steering wheel to the right. Then we had stopped but the back end of the car was close to the edge of a cliff. I saw a lady standing there like she was sight-seeing. We were still sitting with our seatbelts on, and I didn’t look back but felt the ground beneath us give way. Then the car was free falling in the air and I thought to myself that I could take my sunglasses off to watch our fall. So then I took my sunglasses off but I couldn’t see anything; all I saw was black. Then I was closing my eyes and I felt peaceful as I was waiting to hit the water below. When we were nearing the bottom I yelled something to the kids to brace themselves for landing and I grabbed both of their hands. As I was grabbing both their hands I was in the passenger side with Lucas to my right and Bella to my left (she was sitting behind the driver) In my dream I don’t remember going to the passenger side; it was like the next scene. And it doesn’t make sense if I’m sitting in the passenger side and I’m holding onto Lucas’ hand on my right side, but that’s what happened in my dream. It just represents that I’m holding onto their hands during a difficulty, and they could represent some aspect of myself or other people. Then we landed upright in water that wasn’t very deep; it was right on the shore. I immediately yelled at them to take their seatbelts off as I was taking mine off, and to get out of the car ASAP and run to the cliff walls that I vaguely saw or just sensed were there. I’m not sure what this means..

In this dream there was a big group of people at my house (which was a very big open space) that came unexpectedly, and I was so relieved that I had swept the floor the night before. It was a happy occasion. Last night I swept the floor before going to bed. (I swept the kitchen floor at church on Saturday!)

I saw something, either a small row boat or raft come along the shore by the sand (I was standing on the shore). Then I saw the top of a ladder (a wooden one) leaning up onto the ground where I was, coming from where the boat would have landed. (I’m grounded and I’m on board?) I sure am!!!!

Just a few thoughts: Laying on my back at night helps my back to feel better. Dream about seeing lots of heads could represent the men’s ministry this weekend. Seeing between the clouds could represent making sub sandwich’s. Yesterday I got egg yolk on the front of my red sweater. I was eating three over easy eggs and a piece of toast. I went into the same room with my mom when she got her dentures fitted. I was going to wait in the waiting room but I’ve done so much waiting that I didn’t want to wait any longer!! But of course I’ll wait as long as God wants me to; He’s more important than me or anyone else. God’s blessings…

April 20: 4:03 “I’m Jesus Mighty Name, I believe!”

I dreamt that we were living in a new/different big house and we had many kids. Some were a few years old and some were newborn. There were two babies, one of them was so small and the other slightly bigger, wrapped up in their blankets and laying on the floor. The smaller one wrapped up like a snail to keep warm and I immediately took him/her into my arms to have skin contact, and he/she responded to my touch. 

One scene where there was water leaking from the ceiling and I was so worried about it, not sure we could afford to get the problem fixed. I ran upstairs to find the problem and I told my husband about it. I found the problem and it was just because one of our daughters changed out of her sopping wet shorts, shirt and shoes and put them onto one of those old square vents where you can see to the floors below. I looked down to the floor below and saw my husband standing there, and I said something to make him look up and know that that’s what the problem was.