Faithfulness is Built over Time

My daughter come, you are mine and I love you. Rest as we walk forward.

Thank-you Father. I worship you with all that I am. I love you with all my heart.

I know Caroline, I see this. Come, you are nearly done. Follow me and I will give you rest. 

Thank-you Jesus that you’ve given me this opportunity to show my devotion and faithfulness to you, and thank-you with all my heart for every way that you’ve help me, which has been and continues to be my strength. 

You’re welcome my daughter, come, I delight in you. 

Jesus I’m picturing myself in your firm embrace, and I know that my help comes from you, the maker of heaven and earth. Help me finish this race with my arms stretched out in victory, because all things are possible with you. 

Yes they are my dear one! Let’s finish what is left before us. All things are possible for those who’ve set their heart to please me, and I am well pleased with you.


What’s been on my heart lately is the picture of Adam walking with God before sin entered the world. This communing with God was interrupted, but God’s pursuit of us has never stopped. His desire for us/me tells me that he wants to spend time with me because of his love for me. This has been a journey for me to understand because of how the world pretends to be our friend but really doesn’t want to be. In my journey into intimacy with Jesus I needed to work on staying with him in our time together because my heart needed to be convinced that he really wanted to spend time with me. Sometimes I find myself needing to leave a conversation early because I think that the person who I’m having a conversation with is waiting for me to leave. In our journey, in Jesus’ pursuit of winning my heart (because I didn’t know what love was), never giving up despite the many things we’ve needed to work through, has proven to my heart that he really, genuinely wants to be with me and that he really does love me. In my heart I am now convinced of this, and from deep within my heart I can now return my love for him, which has grown because of the trust that has been built in our journey together. Walking with God has a purpose, and that is to get to know one-another, to form a strong and lasting love relationship that will endure the test of faithfulness over time. I’m gazing into the eyes of my Jesus, ready to move forward with him!!!!