
Psalm 37:4

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desire of your heart.” 

My faithful one come, you are Mine -I love you and I’m proud of you.

Father, thank-you for leading me back to the gym! I went this morning and it was so good to be back!

My daughter, I have a word for you today. Rest, a time of rest is coming. 

Father, I welcome rest…

My daughter, abide in me and I will be near to you.

Father, I’m resting in you as I keep following you. Thank-you for being so near to me. 

I love you my darling. Be not afraid -I am near.

Dad, you’ve brought me so deep into the unknown, yet you’ve prepared me for each new step. This journey of preparing me for the next step will never end, and this is good because it make me completely dependant on you. This is the only way into the great unknown where you reveal yourself to us, so I thank-you from the deepest part of my heart for taking me here. I love you and I’m 100% devoted to you!! I trust in you to walk with me in every difficulty ahead. Thank-you for who you are; it’s because love surrounds me that I’ve come back to life in my heart..

My faithful daughter, what you said is true -welcome home…

Oh Dad, these words mean more to me than can ever be known… thank-you, thank-you, thank-you…


I just want to say first of all that I went to the gym this morning! I’ve officially joined the gym again and I’ll be going every Mon, Wed, and Friday for the 6 o’clock class:) Though I’m thinking to join the five AM class again like I used to do. It’ll just allow more time in the morning for my devotion time if I also need to work that day. I made Chili yesterday for supper:) 

The Lord gave me a dream last night. I was in my house working in the kitchen (cooking something on the stove) and someone was near me on my right, watching. Then I knew that someone, maybe my uncle was at the door wanting to come in. So then I walked to the front area of the house and I saw him standing outside in the open doorway, and then he came in. Then the scene changed where it was like the house turned into a really big bus where I could walk around as the bus was moving, and I saw Bella sitting on the left side by the window. Someone was driving the bus and I was standing in the middle area. Someone else nearby to my right said that she was told that one day a snake would bite her, so then we looked around and saw a snake frozen or contained inside the bus window that began to move. We watched in horror as it found an opening were it was a little broken (a small area was a bit shattered), and it slithered out. The snake looked thick in the window but wasn’t really long, but when I saw it again on the floor it had grown a lot bigger. I yelled for the driver to quickly stop. He asked where, and I looked forward through the front window of the bus and saw that we were driving on a paved road, coming into a town with people walking around. I said anywhere, on the side of the road, just stop! I wanted to throw it out of the bus. So then he had stopped and I was standing by the opened door, calling it like I would a cat, and then it looked at me; I had gotten it’s attention. Then I saw that Bella was laying on the bus floor facing up and wrestling with it. Then I saw a little part of it as I was holding it in my arms just before throwing it out. When it was out we all cheered! Then we were driving again on the road in town and I looked back through the side window and saw people running and knew that they were trying to get away from the snake. The people had been standing at a bus stop where we had stopped. I thought to myself that it’s better that they needed to deal with it because they had better access to an ax or something to kill it than we did. After I finished writing this and thought about it more deeply, I’ve come to an understanding about the meaning, and all I can say is that it makes me sad:( Anyway, God is faithful and I’m comforted knowing that I’m always in his eyesight. 

Saturday: I’m reminded this morning that God is always my shelter and he always provides a way. He’s the one who tells me who I am and who’s I am, giving me dignity and honour. I’m so thankful for him…  I had a dream one time a few years ago that I was in a shelter and the Lord was protecting me from the enemy. I saw the enemy being contained in a small area just off to the side from where I was. The shelter looked like a wooden, neglected shack. I could see through the thin walls because of all the cracks and spaces between the boards. The enemy wasn’t just sitting idly in that place, he was trying to break out to get to me. Just outside the wooden door was a vehicle the Lord gave me to use, and I could see it through the cracks, and I think the door was partially opened. But before I was in the shelter, I had been in some sort of vehicle like a train that glided through the jungle, and I could see through the trees and bushes that the enemy was going just as fast as I was but he couldn’t get at me because of all the trees that separated us. So often we forget that the Lord is our defender and that he’s so capable of defending us! I’ve been meaning to add a few things to a few of my earlier posts, which I’ll be doing shortly. Last Christmas in a family gathering one of the gifts I got was loose tea from Cornelia Bean -tea &coffee. The name of the tea is Chocolate Honeybush -Rooibos, which has become my favourite! I usually add a bit of raw honey:) There are teas that I’m sensitive to because of their smell, so I normally drink red rose, earl grey, or lemon ginger with a sore throat, but most fruity flavoured tea’s are fine. Last Saturday Bella and I went to the city to do some clothes shopping, and of course we needed to stop at Starbucks! So today Lucas and I will be going in the afternoon. Then later today we’ll be having our usual Saturday movie night -not sure yet what we’ll be watching, but I always make a big pan of nachos. We always get La Cocina original chips, and I put mozzarella cheese with fried and ground farmer sausages on the top! I’m subbing on Monday all day and then in the evening I have a prayer class at church. Hoping you’ll all have a good weekend -blessings to you!!! ☕️ Bella’s not been feeling well the last few days and I tested her for Covid -she tested positive:( So because she has covid means that we won’t be in church tomorrow and will be staying home all week next week.😭