Needing Jesus!

Jeremiah 1:9

“Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, ‘Now, I have put my words in your mouth.'”

My daughter come and be at rest -you are mine. I love you. Draw near to me Carolyn and I will be near to you.

Dad, I’m in your embrace and I’m enjoying every moment with you.. Do you have a word for me today Lord?

Yes my faithful one I do; All is well with you -rise up.

Help me Lord. I feel like I’m at the beginning again. But I know that when I get started, it’ll begin to flow. Please give me strength to complete the task in front of me. 

I will surly help you my daughter! Be at rest for you are Mine.


Hi! This morning I ran a 5k on the track; I never wear a watch anymore so I don’t know my time, but after every kilometre I stop and drink a bit of water and then I head right back. This morning there was an elderly person walking clockwise on the track and I thought I’d be polite and run clockwise too, but it really felt off so I turned around and began running counterclockwise. When I did that I remembered my dream about the huge cable that ran counterclockwise, and each link in the cable was as big as a person. I’m finding that as I listen and do what the Lord tells me to do, I get confirmation from God as I notice things that remind me of certain things the Lord has shown me in some dreams. In 2015 I went to a She Speaks conference in North Carolina and God had given me a vision, and at the end of this vision I had walked through an archway and into a stadium where there was a lot of celebration. Not too long ago I went through an archway while sledding and this morning it dawned on me that every time I run, I’m running in a stadium.. how neat is that! In Power and Praise a few evenings ago I saw my role-model couple kiss each-other in greeting and it reminded me of the intimate kiss I saw in one of my dreams not too long ago. I believe a kiss is intimate when it reflects the love and respect that’s in the heart. When I was done running and as I was walking towards the stairs to go down, I drank some water from my water bottle and I looked into my water bottle and saw a bit of water left, reminding me of my dream a few nights ago. I believe this also represents having a deep conversation among friends that I had had this week where I heard such deep wisdom that I drank it in.. I was glad to hear about the speaker at camp -I just never know with the Lord:) After school today Bella has celebration of learning at school where I get to see what she’s been doing; I’m just so proud of my kids -they do so well in school! Tonight I’m going to one of my friend’s place to begin the six week study- I’m looking forward to this! I wanted to have an early start today but I went to bed so late; we ended up taking P to her downtown bus connection so we got home just after midnight. I wanted to continue with my writing today but I didn’t have time. 😭  I’m making cream-chowder for supper today. Many blessings…