In Harmony


My faithful one -I love you. Come and dine with Me at my table. Here there’s much joy and laughter. Come, it’s time -now your joy will be complete. You are Mine. 

Dad, I know the pandemic is not quite over, but I don’t fear or dread it in the least because of how well you’ve prepared my heart and have begun this most amazing journey right in the midst of it -the pandemic is just information to me. If it’s going to come, then I want it to come because it’s in your control and goes through you -then I can move on and walk deeper into your plans for me. I will follow you everywhere you lead, and go through whatever you decide I have to go through, for you are Love itself, and I trust in you completely…

My daughter, those who search for Me will find me, and I’ve been found by you. You’ve shown your love by persevering and not giving up. I am always with you and will help you with every step we take. I love being your Dad. 

Oh Dad, I love being your daughter! Now that we’ve come this far, I feel like I’ve begun to soar like an eagle. I feel so valued by you -thank you for restoring my heart.

My faithful one -you are mine. There’s much in store for you. You honour me and I will honour you. 

Oh Dad, I love you more than words can say. Thank-you that you are a God of love who loves deeply. I pray for more understanding as we walk deeper into who you are. I am your child and I want to represent you well. Help me to do this. 

Caroline, there’s more for you today. Your task is complete. Come, it’s time to rest.

I believe you Father. 

Come my daughter, all is well with you. Today I’ve made all things new. Rest, you are Mine. 


Last night I woke up at 3:44 and wrote down this dream. I began my dream with my friend/husband and we were walking together down the road -he was on my right side. I had a sense that Jesus was walking next to him on the other side . We had just come together and he was holding my right hand so lovingly, and he asked me, “hey, you said before that you would begin watching the (and here he said his actual first and last name) show. Are you still planning/wanting to do that?” I laughed because it was so direct, then I became serious and genuinely said “yes, I want to do that.” As we were walking, he held my hand tighter and tighter, like he was giving me a message, giving me reassurance -wonderful.. 

Then I had this dream. I came out of a bright with sunlight room in the basement of a house. Because of the brightness of where I had come, I noticed that the rest of the basement was a bit darker. As I walked through the door, I came into a kitchen, and I peeked through the door from the kitchen to the rest of the house and I saw a hallway with a few other doors. Then I walked through the kitchen to the other side and saw a bathroom. This bathroom hadn’t been completed yet, and I could see that it had been like that for a long time because I saw piles of old sawdust that I felt had been there for years (by the people who had renovated the house before we bout it). I saw a wall that had a round hole cut out of it for a knob. I thought that maybe the floor had been wet from underneath for a long time, thinking it wasn’t stable, but then I remembered that the floor was made out of concrete, so then I knew it was really strong and was in the best condition. It felt like this house had been under construction when we had bought it, and now we were going to sell it, and the new owners would finish what needed to be finished. Then my husband came out of the bright room we had been in and I told him in amazement that where we were standing was a sweet! It had this big kitchen with a stove, and there was also a kitchen behind this one, with a stove too! I saw that he was amazed by the two full kitchens as much as I was. It was a good discovery! 

Yesterday when my kids and I were driving to costco after a church event, Lucas said something like, hey mom, you should go back to school! In that instant I remembered that I had had a dream about that the night before. In my dream I vaguely saw someone in front of me, having a knowing about an invitation to go back to school. What do I think about that? I love it! I want to learn the Bible better and learn how to present better. I love when my assignments require me to read and think and write -I could do this all day:) Today I had another caramel macchiato..I think I’m loving it too much because it only took me about five – seven min to finish it! 

I’ve been reading in William Barclay’s commentary, the book of John, and what I read the other day was such a nice surprise! I was amazed when I read that very often on stained glass windows, the gospel writers are represented in symbol by the figures of the four beasts that the writer of Revelation saw around the throne (Revelation 4:7). The man stands for Mark; the lion stand’s for Matthew; the ox stands for Luke; and the eagle stands for John. Years ago I began reading this commentary about John and I began enjoying it more than I enjoyed the Bible. I thought, why do I need to read and spend time in the Bible when this commentary has so much more information about the Bible than the Bible itself? Because of that I sensed to put the commentary down and have rarely picked it up since. But I think I’ve grown in my faith much since then, and I know it’s time to begin reading them again. I just want to end with saying that I need to edit my post from yesterday, because I’ve been catching myself writing what I sense the Lord saying and sometimes not what I see as I sense the Lord saying. I think most of the time I have it right though. Blessings to you this week!!!