

Lord, I am inspired by the dream You gave me last night. It was such a nice, resting dream. I’m not sure what everything means yet, but I sense that this beautiful mansion is my heart.

Yes My daughter, this is right. Your heart needs to be at rest about when you teach your children about Me. You are doing a wonderful job.

Thank you Lord, I’m so relieved! 

My daughter, don’t seek after perfection, for this is a myth in this world. 

Okay Jesus. I love You, and thank-you for letting me know Your thoughts.

You’re welcome My daughter. I love you too. My peace and blessing rests upon you. 


The Lord was showing me in my dream what was going on in my heart concerning my devotional time with my children. I had been wondering if what I was reading and talking about during discussion afterwards was enough or if I was missing key ideas in my teaching. I had His reassurance that I was doing well. 

In my dream there were other adults who came to hear me teach as well, and I could be wrong, but I think they are part of the cloud of witnesses the Bible tells us about. They had come to hear my teaching. I’ve had other dreams with what I think are the cloud of witnesses. 

One of the other dreams the Lord gave me awhile back was, the Lord, in the form of my husband, and I were sharing an intimate kiss. I looked to see if there was anyone watching. I saw a row of people beside us, and they all had a pen and notepad they were writing in. It’s as if they were learning more about the Lord during our intimate time together. The lesson for me was that I don’t need to be self-centred about the intimacy I have with Jesus my husband. Intimacy with Him is such an honour. I need to focus on Him and keep learning more about Him during our journey together.