An Intimate Walk

Father, do you have a word for me today? I have a sense that we’re finally on a steady walk, that we’re moving forward again.

My daughter come, all is well with you -you are mine. Draw near to me and I will see you through.

Dad, I’m holding onto you as near as I can. I’m always searching to know your will because I don’t want to head into the wrong direction. Open my spiritual ears more and my spiritual eyes so I can see what you’re doing. I’m sensing I need more solitude time with you. Right now I feel that there’s so much I need to squeeze into a short time frame every day, and this stresses me out. 

I know my darling. Rest and follow me, for I have everything you need. 

Father, I’m going to start spending time with you in longer time frames every day like I used to do. I think this is the way to draw nearer to you again. 

I love you Caroline. I will bless our time together -you are mine. 


Two nights ago I had a dream where my mom (who represents making spiritual food) who was close to my left, taking pills that remind me of taking Advil. I had a sense she was taking them because they would help her because she had gone through a difficult time. Each were separately packaged and were tiny. She already had some but needed about two more to come to the number she needed to have. I was looking in my purse for more and had a few that were a different brand,  but she wanted all of them to be from the same brand, so as I looked again, I found the two more she needed and gave them to her. I was excited that I had found more for her. I don’t know what this means….two more recordings? Im not going to wonder about how many more -Im just going to keep on doing them until I sense/see its time to stop.

Last night I dreamt that I was with a group of people, and the presence of someone bigger than us, who had authority, was very strong. This person could do whatever they chose to do, like God. I saw that just because he wanted to, he had taken a big ship and placed it on the street of a busy city, like it was a toy. I had a fear of him because of how powerful he was -having a fear of the Lord? Then I needed to go to the bathroom to relieve myself (yep, no pride here….need to say what God shows me! lol), and I saw a small,white, tall, round tent and knew that was the place I needed to go to use the bathroom. But I was afraid to go by myself because the powerful person could come anytime and transport me to some place and then I’d be by myself. I didn’t want that to happen so I asked my friend if they want to come with me, and this person did. I didn’t see this person, it was more like sensing that they were close by me. Then we were inside the tent and I saw the small portable toilet like my kids used when potty training. Then I saw two white crumbled up tissue that had bright green stuff on it:) Then I saw a dog try and get it from underneath a closed door, but I shooed it away -reminds me of our dog. My friend who I still didn’t see but knew they were beside me, said something to indicate a disgusting smell! 😆Yup, this is intimacy!! Then I felt like I had some relief, but knew that more relief was yet to come. Then as I looked at the small space underneath the closed door, I sensed the powerful person had come and was near our tent. But I didn’t fear this, it was just a knowing. Jesus my closest friend is always beside me, and it’s such a comfort!

God has shown me that I’ve been feeling stuck, and I think as I’m being mentored, reading and learning more, more relief will come. I watched Ana Werner’s recording yesterday and there was something she said that was like an aha moment for me. She said that the more time we spend with Jesus and are filled by him, that’s when we have authority because it’s Jesus who is the source of authority. So when we fill up with him, we’re also filled with authority. I shared with her a bit of my story, how God has shown me about himself, leading me to know my calling, so I’m looking forward to Wednesday evening to hear her response! I’m planning on doing another recording this week sometime. My prayer for you is that God will continue to draw you near to himself as you walk with him, leading you in the way you should go! Many many blessings to you!