Overcoming Giants

“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6


Papa, I love You. I love You Holy Spirit, and I love You Jesus. I worship You with all my heart and I’m so thankful for You, that You are a Pure and Holy God. Please draw me closer, deeper into Your heart. Please forgive me Papa when I don’t put You first or when I look at myself in any way before I look at You. 

I love you My darling, My faithful one. You are Mine.

Holy Spirit I pray that You’d give me Your desires. I pray for Your filling my heart with Your presence. Show me areas in my heart where I need to give to You; I fully surrender my all to You.

My daughter, come, let your heart be at rest; My will, will come to pass. I have planted my desire in your heart. I am near.

Holy Spirit, Your love amazes me. I know Your peace and I’m so thankful for it. You sustain me all the time. Thank You for Your loving nearness.

Your welcome My daughter. Come and rest, for I am with you wherever you go.


Hello and welcome to my journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

8: I’m never going to forget” I saw someone begin to walk out of the room. (After coming home from the gathering I went straight to bed, feeling like I had been in a battle with giants all day long.) 

2:28 Come! Like a flood! Like a fire! Holy Spirit come! Oh Holy Spirit come.” (I went downstairs to pray)

“He’s calling, He’s calling, He’s calling, come alive, come alive.”

4:13 A vision of standing in front of two big windows that were vertical, my height, and that didn’t have any glass, feeling like they were windows I could walk through. I hardly noticed the one on my right. I was looking into the one on the left; it looked like a fairytale setting, with green grass, blue sky and had some white things like feathers or something, floating gently in the wind. (I went back up) I’m sensing this represents another opportunity… standing on the left.

5:33 I was holding a stack of white papers in my hands, in front of my face. Vision This morning I took a big stack of written prayer conversations that were in my blue folder; I need to find a place to put them. I’ve kept all my conversations with the Lord in my desk, and now my desk is full. 

5:41 I vaguely had papers in my hand and driving south. This morning I’m doing my devotions with God at Oakridge.

6:02 “North Pacific, South Pacific”  In my dream someone came to visit me in my home. We were downstairs in the basement. I only had a shirt on but I didn’t notice (meaning that I’m being transparent). Only later I noticed; someone was going to follow me so I grabbed a clean navy blue towel from a hook and wrapped it around my waist (there were two blue towels hanging, the one on the left was dirty and the one on the right was clean, and I grabbed the one on my right. I was going to be walking in front of someone as we were walking across the room and I didn’t want to make him look at me on the way there. 

Someone said a few little things and then he wanted to play a game that was there. The ping pong table was there and there was another small table beside that one. Then he had a small rubber ball in his hands. There were two other girls there who were going to play with them; his wife was there too. During my dream I had touched him on his shoulder a few times (two times) and I didn’t want to give her the wrong impression so I also touched her on her shoulder as I spoke to her. She was smiling at me as she stood beside her husband. I saw his back I think when she smiled at me. Then it was the ping pong table they were playing, with the other two girls. Then the ball landed on the floor and rolled underneath something but was still very visible, and he went to get it, going on his hands and knees in front of me to my left. 

In one scene there was a small child who was telling me something that her older brother was doing (I didn’t really understand what she was saying but I had the sense that it had something to do with her.) He was going to play ping pong or something but then before doing that he pulled out an inflatable pool for his younger sister. He walked over to the sink and began filling it up with water. I had seen that it had been flat as he was pulling it out by then I saw that it was already filled with a lot of water (the water made it not flat anymore). I think I had asked to fill it up the rest of the way so I was holding it underneath the spout, filling it (there was a lot of water in front of the spout, so I needed to lean way over to get to the spout, but this is vague). I wasn’t sure how full he wanted it so I filled it to the top and thought he could pour some out if he wanted to make it the right amount, which he did. I watched him take it and carefull pour some out, eyeing the right amount. The pool had become small like a round floating tube for small kids.

Then I was going back upstairs and saw my kids dad standing in front of his coffee machine, making himself a latte before going to work. Then I was going back downstairs; I was going down slowly like I was on an elevator with no walls. I was looking straight ahead, then up to the ceiling and saw the underneath side of the stairs going up. Then I saw as I was being brought down, two papers that were folded and taped on the wall that had numbers written on them. I could see the indented parts where there was writing on the other side. On the way down before that there was a small square platform that I was brought passed, and thought that this is what he saw when he came into the basement. 

6:59 I vaguely remember seeing papers, that I had given papers to someone.

8:02 “Excitement in the book of Joshua and Rebecca” (I heard these words in my heart right before waking up.)

In a dream at night I was with a group of ladies and one of them was using a breast pump, putting milk into a container (that was/became? chocolate milk in the container). I could see her emotion as she was pumping and I said that I remember the feeling. The container was full (of chocolate milk) and she said something like “only six cups can fit in it today.” I was looking at it and thought there was room for a little bit more. She had more to give, but it only had room for six cups. At first I thought it meant pumpkin spice, then this evening I remembered that it was chocolate milk in the container.

My day yesterday was a difficult one, feeling like I was facing a big giant in the room. When I said exactly how it was, that I wasn’t working yet (this isn’t where God is leading me in my purpose), I felt like I had just overcome it; I was the elephant in the room. My spiritual ears need to open and my physical ears need to open as well; feeling like there’s a blockage. I can’t hear from either of them all the way, and it affects my singing where I can’t hear my voice clearly.

My heart shattered when I learned I hadn’t made it on Sunday, but I know that the Holy Spirit is teaching me how to hear and follow Him, so I know that my walk with Him is a treasure. I’m sensing to stand on the left side of the stage (window on my left in my dream), and also hold the microphone in my left hand. I’m going to my mom’s right after this and taking her shopping at Sobeys if she still needs. I’m coming to church tonight;. Blessings and love…🫰🏼

Before the curtain I asked the Holy Spirit where I should sit and I heard “left.” Then when I got to where I needed to make a decision on the right or left, I forgot that I already heard the Lord about that. By the time I realized it, someone else was already sitting there. Then I asked the Holy Spirit what I should do (I was thinking to sit on the left but a few rows back), and I heard “stay,” so I stayed. Then when I saw one of the worship leaders kneel on the floor, I remembered something about kneeling on the floor (someone getting a ping pong ball), so I kneeled. Then as I was kneeling I remembered that the person in my dream had kind of crawled underneath a chair to get the ball, I kneeled on all fours in the middle of the aisle and made my way to get my hands underneath the front chair (A). Then when we could come forward to pray for someone, I saw the lady in the red dress and went to her to pray for her. Then she said her left ankle needed prayer, I at first went to my left (her right) by accident, then she said her left foot, so then I prayed for her left foot. I don’t remember exactly but out of 10 I think she said her pain was a 6? I could be wrong. Thinking about a post about pride, if I have pride about something, then I want God to show me. The other day I prayed for a mantle of humility, remembering from one of Rick Joyner’s books about how important it is. I’m going to go to Shopgym tomorrow.. Goodnight…

October 16:12:17 “clean as a baby”? Could just be my thoughts (vision)

12:21 “stress” I was awake, nearly asleep when I heard this. 

I had a dream where my purse was an orange brown compared to another leather thing that was a cool brown.

12:27 I had a vision of a garden that had a fence around it to keep animals out. Then I saw a small or baby animal that had been hiding among the plants that came out of hiding and wanted to go out of the fence. Holy Spirit please show me what animal this was and what it represents.

12:34 I had a vision of some small dogs on a sign, reminds me of those electronic signs that have many in one (strip mall). I saw that the sign had a white background. Holy Spirit please show me what the dogs represent? Thank You Holy Spirit! I love You! The word Perths came to mind. The photo of the dogs on Perths sign is what I saw in my vision. Dry cleaners? Red dress? I brought my red dress there to get cleaned because I had spilled tea on it at the wedding. I’m planning on picking it up after Soar today.

12:47 I was awake and I had a vision, more hearing than seeing, my dad’s voice; he was talking with my mom. I heard my moms voice a little, but I heard my dads voice more.

12:52 I can feel a passionate love in my heart.

12:57 I had a vision or dream I’m not sure, that my parents were on vacation and someone was taking care of their chickens. Vaguely seeing one of them looking out of a window with no glass. Reminds me of the “who was” show.

1:00 I had a vision that there was a curfew, vaguely hearing someone say 8:00, 8:00. 

1:03 “I’m sorry that sometimes it happens.” Talking about hearing someone snore. 

1:05 I heard my mom’s voice in a vision, “I’ll take you, Caroline.” (Chosen?)

1:07 Someone gave someone a white paper, vaguely hearing the word, Two.

1:09 I heard my mom’s voice speak German, feeling like we were in a car.

1:10 Siya shine (German for “very nice.”)

1:34 In a dream I saw a bright orange plant


4:26 Holy Spirit come! Like a fire! In this place! Holy Spirit come!

I realized this morning that I didn’t say hi to the pastors wife yesterday ..

7:24 I had a vision while in bed, square bales of hay floating in water by a building.

7:30 A quick vision of a block of cheddar cheese; it had two clear plastic layers around it and the outer layer was being peeled off quickly.

7:35 “souvenir?” “No” 

7:40 a vision of seeing someone riding a bike on the highway and hearing the word distracted.

7:43 I was on a green grassy hill that had flowers coming up on the right side.

3:21 My left earring fell out of my hands 

3:29 “I can breathe freely”

October 17:4:24 “all creation cries, Holy, all creation cries, Holy. You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever.”

4:48 “all creation cries, Holy, all creation cries, Holy. You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever.” (I had been awake since 4:24 and went downstairs to pray at 5:05)

5:43 In a vision I saw a box filled with clothing and on top was a brown sweater.

5:47 “Don’t give up” (sensed)

5:57 “You keep hope alive, You keep hope alive. 

6:04 I saw a large ball at the top of something, creating a silhouette, and seeing the side of Jesus’ face as he was talking.

6:10 In a vision I saw a guy coming down the stairs to where I was, saying something about giving something “to James.” He had a light blue bandana on his head.

6:14 “made a/the mistake” I heard someone say. (I raised my hand during the sermon but I’m thinking I wasn’t quick enough) I had a quick dream early in the night that my purse had been hooked onto a door handle, and I saw it being unhooked. I’m thinking this shows I didn’t make it yesterday. 

6:38 I saw in a vision Jesus my husband wearing a green dress (like mine) walking towards someone and standing right in front of them, face to face.

6:43 He’s calling, he’s calling, He’s calling, come alive, come alive.”

6:46 I saw red spots

6:47 “Do you keep track of what you’re supposed to do?”  “Thoughtfulness” I heard this in my heart right before waking up. (I used to write all my instructions in a notebook but had stopped. I’ll start again.)

6:13 “it’s my fault” people talking

6:51 In a vision I saw Jesus’ back and I was following him. It felt like we were going on an event 

6:55 “she didn’t know” maybe hearing a volunteer at youth’s voice as she was talking about someone.

6:57 a yellow paper with a note saying, “I’ll be here.”

6:59 In a vision I saw a young lady standing in front of a line, giggling and saying something about her glasses, seeing better. (In the front line/in battle?)

7:01 in a vision I saw the door handle of our garage open and hearing the lyrics, “coma coma coma coma coma coma coma come home….”

7:06 It was sunny outside and I followed someone out of the door, ready to do an activity

7:09 I saw a lady sitting on a red couch, on the side where someone always sits. I was facing the same direction as her, standing beside, on her left side. 

7:13 in a vision I was washing a pan, I was holding it under running water in a kitchen sink

7:17/18 vision: I had taken a bite of a chocolate brownie

Before this I had vision of a big open space, Jesus was there

8:23 David (I heard in my heart right before waking up)

During the night I dreamt that I was telling someone that I was glad we didn’t go camping during the summer. Then in my dream I was thinking about that we had just went camping with our camper trailer. 

During the night I also dreamt that I was in a room, wondering where Jesus was. Then I was in the hallway, leaving to look for Jesus (looking at what someone was doing) when a few guys came into the room. I was sensing that Jesus was with them. Then I was in another room and I could hear his voice so I stood on tiptoes to see if I could see him, and then I saw his hair and knew it was him. Then I had gone to a kitchen and was about to come back (because I could hear his voice and I really wanted to be with him) when two girls came and ordered some food. So I needed to cook some food for them, feeling trapped because I wanted to be with Jesus. In the kitchen I had turned on a big machine that kind of scared me because of how powerful it was. It looked old and heavy and moved into place when I turned it on. 

I’m making banana muffins and vegetable soup today. During the night I had a bit of a headache, and still do.. I have a haircut appointment tomorrow, just getting it shaped. Blessings…