Weapon Called Wisdom

Lord, I think I may have gained some wisdom over the last little while…

And why is that My daughter?

I intentionally took some steps in the direction You want me to go, and as a result, I have more peace in my heart. 

My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.

Lord, I realize that what You’ve called me to do shouldn’t be too difficult to do because You’ve given me the strength to do it. When I walk in Your will for me, You also enable me. I’ve placed this nugget of wisdom close to my heart so that I will never forget it. If I do, please remind me!

My daughter, you are right –this is Wisdom. I’m glad you’ve experienced what happens with your faith when you trust in Me and step into the unknowns. I have called you to many places of unfamiliarity, so it’s important to be well equipped. Always remember that I will equip you for what I have called you to do. I am always with you. 

Thank-you Dad.

You’re welcome My faithful one.

Lord, every time You say that, I doubt my ability to be faithful. 

My dear, have you forgotten who I am? Trust Me always and you will be faithful. Remember that I am your provider. In your own strength being faithful is not possible. This is why it’s important to lean not into your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your path. I am with you always, and I will always help you to be My faithful one, for My power is made perfect in weakness.


Where the Lord has led me on our journey has been extremely difficult so far not only because I’ve had to go against the flow of the norm, but also because I’ve looked to my own strength, or lack there-of, to do it. Looking back I realize it would have been a lot easier if I simply trusted in Him more instead of in my own inadequacies. My emotions of failure have been huge stumbling blocks just because I’ve failed to focus on my Provider. 

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to follow the Lord intimately, and the moments when I want to give up and stop running the race, I need to push past my emotions and remember what the Lord has already told me.

I love writing about what the Lord has done in my life, but the front line in battle for me is making myself vulnerable by opening up my heart before the Lord and allowing everyone else to come and join in, into our intimacy.  The Lord has shown me many times that this is how I am to love my neighbor. I obey the Lord out of my love for Him, even though it’s extremely difficult to be so transparent. Talking about this reminds me that I’m looking inward and not upward to my Father. Looking inward will not keep me grounded in Him, it’ll just keep me on the ground -not walking with Him.

One night not too long ago the Lord ministered to me. In this dream I was in someone’s embrace like he was praying for me. I was crying from deep within my soul when he said, “My weapon is Wisdom, use it wisely.” The person praying for me was about twelve years old. I wondered only for a short while why it was shown to me that he was only twelve years of age when I felt in my spirit that that was the time so far I had given to the Lord to walk a more intimate walk with Him…and this is Wisdom, to walk with the Lord and have a growing, intimate relationship with Him. The Lord has given me a weapon called Wisdom. To not use it wisely would be to put it down. 

I had planted a “wisdom” seed when I started spending more time with Him every day and have nurtured it these last twelve years by faithfully giving Him the first fruits of my time every morning, and now wisdom has been given to me as a weapon! I realize that I now have more of a responsibility to be wise…to put it down could be detrimental. If I have been given this weapon at this time means there is a purpose for it right now. I have learned that if I’m going to be faithful, I need to look up to Him and trust in Him. I remember His love for me and how complete I am in His presence, and I will NOT put my weapon down. Father, please help me to use the weapon You’ve given me wisely and walk where You lead. You are the lover of my soul and I am faithfully Yours! ❤️