A Bridge!

Psalm 76:4

“You are resplendent with light, more majestic than mountains rich with game.”


I love you Papa. Thank-you for being so real to me and for never stopping to pull me closer to Your heart. I am secure in You.

I love you My darling, My faithful one. Come, I’m drawing you near, you are Mine. Caroline I have a word for you today.

What is it Papa? Papa, I pray for Your Peace to fill my mind and my heart. 

Come closer My dear one.

Papa, my heart is open to You. Please come and fill me so there’s les of me and more of You.

Come My faithful one, for I am well pleased with you; I delight in you.

Papa, when I think about myself, I have a healthier view about myself than I used to have. Thank-you for Your work of restoration. I pray Papa that You would help me walk through any barriers so that I can be closer to You and help You in any way You need. I don’t know everything about where You want to lead me so, I pray that You’d enable me to walk past the barriers that would want to hold me back. 

Caroline My daughter, I will surely help you. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This morning I woke up at 4:27 with these lyrics in my heart, “Christ is my firm foundation, the Rock on which I stand. When everything around me is shaken, I’ve never been more glad; cause I’ve put my faith in Jesus, He’s never let me down, He won’t, he won’t fail, he won’t. 

I dreamt that a group of us, maybe my family I’m not sure but they were people that I was close to, were on a big tube and we were going down a slide together. I also dreamt that the game Jesus my husband wanted everyone to play was a farting game!! ha, so funny.. when I remembered it while I was doing stuff in the kitchen to prepare my kids for their day, I almost burst out laughing! The game was to see which group could fart on demand the most! Jesus was standing right in front of me, facing me, and I thought to myself that how was I supposed to fart on demand? If you’d see me right now you’d see that I’ve broken out in sweat! Yes, farting in front of people makes me nervous but I know it’s a part of life! Also all the drool on my pillowcase in the morning!!! 

I took a quick nap in the morning, and I dreamt that I was in a public place with my church community. There was a round platform that a few people had been on, kind of like kids play. (I saw vaguely some kids who were on two ends of the platform, sitting or bending down I’m not sure.) It was high, maybe about six or seven feet high, and there was a place on the side of it that was like a ledge (like a one spot ledge made for one person that made a hole or a curved in dip that was made for my arms to snuggle in as my head was just high enough to peek on top/the floor of the platform). Then I had a knowing that my pastor A had walked to where I was, so I lowered myself to the floor. As I as lowering myself, I thought I’d free all about a foot to the floor, but because I wasn’t sure exactly how far down the floor was, I kind of lost my balance but regained it right away. One of my pastors was standing right there, waiting for me. Then I was following him around all over the place inside the community. I sometimes needed to run to catch up. Then we were outside on a sunny day and I saw a kid fall flat on his face as he was climbing a hill. He fell prostrate, not even putting out his arms to protect himself. The hill was very wet and muddy, and the mud engulfed almost his whole body. When he got out of it and was standing on dry ground off the hill, I was so surprised that it was Lucas. He had shades on with his fedora I think, and he looked at me with the brightest smile. Then I needed to find out where the showers were. I found out by talking with some of the people living at the community, that there was a faucet high on the wall in the laundry room that everyone took turns using, and there was another one somewhere close by. Then someone told me that everyone was on a schedule, and I said something like that Lucas was covered with mud from head to toe, so he needed to take a shower right away. Then it was a bit later and I saw Lucas again, and he tole me that he had been waiting and watching, and someone was taking a long time to get under the shower so he had just quickly used it. Then I was looking for my pastor again. I had walked to where his room was, and I saw other people around too. His door was totally open or there wasn’t a door in the doorframe, and I could hear that he was counselling someone. So I waited outside in the hallway and then I saw that he had walked them to the door because their counselling session was done. He was giving the person some last advice. There were two people that he had walked to the door. I had a feeling like I would continue following him again. I could have had a feeling like Jesus my husband was there somewhere, but I’m not sure. 

Then in this dream I had walked into a room, but as I was walking into the room I had seen the back of myself in some mirrors, so I went back to where I had seen myself (on the door or by the door) and looked more closely. I saw that my whole back was exposed and was wearing something white that reminds me of what I put over my bathing suit, which has a really low open back. I saw that it went lower than it does in waking life. By this time I was wearing a white gown that also had the back open very low, but then I saw that I had forgotten to zip up my dress and I was a bit alarmed. The zipper was a short zipper that allowed basically my whole back to be shown. I saw that I actually looked beautiful! 

Then in this dream I was outside in midair, watching a multitude of cars driving down a wide slide or bridge or road I’m not sure. The top was really high up, and as the cars were driving they couldn’t see very far ahead first because the whole track was bumper to bumper filled with cars, and because a turn to the right that was coming. As I watched them drive really fast on the ramp, it was like instead of the ramp going smoothly down like a water slide, it was like steps going down, but each step was really long; for a car going the speed that it was, it took them about four seconds to go down to the next step, yet each step was connected which made the whole ride smooth for the driver. 

What I saw specifically was: I was on the left side of the track, in the air, but I didn’t notice myself. It was like I was watching a screen and a drone was recording it. I sensed someone was with me who was explaining things to me. The slide/ramp/road reminds me of the yellow water slide I had been on that began from really high up. But underneath this slide I saw the top of really tall buildings, and as the slide slanted down, it went among the buildings (I didn’t see this but it just makes sense). I saw that there were about five lanes going down right beside each other with no border in between. And all along the whole slide down from the top to almost where the turn was, was filled with cars, bumper to bumper and driving in unison: all the cars in one row were driving beside each other in a straight line. There wasn’t one car that was ahead of the other. Every row was like this. I saw that in front of the first row of cars, a turn going to the right was coming, which they’d reach in a few seconds. 

I also had a knowing that every person who decided to go on this, to do this, was insured hundreds of times more that they’d need if there was an injury. The company in charge of this was so sure that everything would go well for each person that they had no problem to put so much money on the line because it was such a high guarantee that everyone would be safe. Then I saw a man in a one person vehicle that looked like a small version of an airplane without the wings. The top was all open. I was being shown that this person was taking a personal risk to ensure everyone’s safety. It was like they were showing me, to show me what he would do to take care of people. I saw him quickly drive to the central area and back up by turning a handle that was connected to a round gear type pully system in his car. I saw his arm as he quickly turned the handle, and his vehicle backed up to where there could be someone who had gotten hurt. I don’t think anyone had gotten hurt but this was to show at what cost this person would take to help someone should they get hurt. I’m not sure what this all means; some parts of the first few dreams I kind of know just because of my walk with Jesus. These I believe have something to do with being able to keep taking steps forward. Tomorrow I’m going to begin working on my message again, and then maybe Thursday or Friday I need to make salsa, just because some of the tomatoes are getting over ripe. I don’t know how to make the photo a smaller size, so you can’t see the bridge in the background:( Many blessings!!!