Time to Go!

Father, I can’t think straight today; my mind is in another place..thinking of where you’re taking me.. I dreamt last night that I was getting myself ready, and that this is the way I need to go and it was time to go.

My darling, you are ready. 

Yes Father, I know in my heart that I am. Thank you for leading me to be ready. I also dreamt last night that I needed to be able to breath clearly through my nose, like someone else was, and this is what I did -my nose was clear like theirs. I know this represents my intuitive sense, how well I sense things, and in this case, I’m sensing what you’re saying in my latest dreams correctly. I was wondering how accurate my interpretation of them were. Thank you for your reassurance. 

My faithful daughter, you are right. I am near to you.

I love you Dad. Thank you for your way with me. 

You’re welcome Caroline -you are Mine!