

Lord, I know I’m running the race with You, but I feel my energy beginning to deplete. I’d like to have a break from all my responsibilities. 

My daughter, come here and rest in Me. Don’t let despair grab ahold of you.  Come to Me instead, for despair will drain all the energy you have left.

Dad, right now I feel like I’d like to dive right into it and feel sorry for myself. I feel like I deserve to be in despair, but I know this is a lie from the enemy so I’m going to resist. I give You this heaviness Lord Jesus, thank-you. Please fill me again Lord with Your hope and strength. I’m amazed how I can be running to win the race one day and the next be in the ditch!

Apart from Me there is no real comfort. The enemy will work harder on those who are running faster; he is always at his work. It really is important to take every thought captive before acting on them. 

Dad, this must be Wisdom. I need more Wisdom; please cause Wisdom to grow in me! 

My daughter, Wisdom is already growing in you and is the reason why you want more of it! When you come to Me during difficult moments, Wisdom will grow in your heart. When you learn from your mistakes, Wisdom will grow with leaps and bounds. 

I love You Lord. Your affirmation brings life to my bones and strength to my heart. You are the reason I see hope again; thank-you for filling me Holy Spirit. Thank-you for helping me come to You, for drawing me close to Your heart today. I pray that you will restore in my heart the Joy I had before. 

Always keep your eyes on Me, My daughter, and not on your hardships. My Joy will fill you once again. Keep your heart close to Mine every day as we journey together. 


Talking with the Lord during my despairing moments was the best thing I could have done the morning I wrote this. My will was to sulk and not meet with the Lord that day, but the friendship I had already established with the Lord was stronger than my fleshy desire to sulk. 

In those moments of weakness I wanted to throw everything the Lord was establishing in me out the door because I was tired of the Lord stretching my faith. He was asking me to do things I normally would never do, such as post my writings on Facebook and on the website He was leading me to build. It felt like I was constantly walking against a strong current – I was tired. As I confided in the Lord, I was able to rest in Him. He renewed my strength for the day and I was able to go on.