Deeply Rooted

My Father, please open my eyes to see and my ears to hear and understand your whispers in my heart (you are valuable). I know there’s so much life in every word you say and every thought you have. Please draw me close to you today. 

Come my daughter.

Dad, I want to be discipled by you without having thorns nearby. This is my wish but I know they have a purpose too. Hardships lead us to you when we look to the light of who you are in the midst of darkness. Help me to be more deeply rooted in you despite these thorns of self-doubt. 

I will help you Caroline. Rest in me today and I will lead you.

Father, show me my heart for the purpose of changing me into becoming more like you. I’m sensing heaviness. Show me what the root of it is so I can get rid of it instead of merely battle the effects of it, what it’s doing in me. Father, I’m sensing from you as I’m praying that I’ve always felt like I’ve been overlooked and therefor I feel like I have little value. The truth about this is that I’ve not been overlooked by you, rather, it’s been the opposite. You’ve disciplined me in many ways since I’ve started spending more time with you about 13 years ago. You’ve been teaching me, pouring into me and disciplining me like a parent would, but in a better way because you know my every thought and motive. You’ve been my parent and mentor, so I reject the lie that tells me that I’m not valuable because I know it’s not true. So Father I pray that you will grow me up in you and in this truth, and help me become more healthy and confident in my thought life so it’ll spill over in my walk with you. 

You are mine. Desire more of the fruit of the Spirit. As you eat and think on these everyday, these are what will grow in you. 

Father, help me fill my thoughts on these; I need more life and wisdom in my thinking. Help me remember you when critical thoughts come. Your thoughts towards me are good.

Yes they are. Come my daughter, let’s spend some time in the throne room. Come and see what’s there. 

My Dad, I’m afraid to ask the wrong question and cause our conversation to be led in the wrong direction. 

Ask, my daughter.

Lord, which throne room..the throne room in heaven or the one in my heart? 


Okay my eyes to see and understand. I worship you!

Come my darling, you are honoured here. We know who you are. 

Father, what word describes me? 

Faithful. Obedient. Devoted. Resilient. 

Holy Spirit, please lead my thoughts. Faithful means I’m full of faith. I’ve been on an intimate journey with you and I’m filled with faith about our walk, as we walk. I know that my faith in you has grown tremendously over the last while. Obedient indicates that I hear your voice and I listen to it, doing what you say, and it’s because I love you. Devoted means that I’m loyal. Resilient means that I’m flexible and strong, being able to recover quickly from difficult situations. Father, it’s good to be known by you and its good for me to know myself. Help me walk in who you’ve made me to be. You are the core of who I am. Help me be all you want me to be in our journey together. 

Caroline, you can do all things through me who gives you strength. 

Father, I’m beginning to believe it. You are my strength as I walk with you into becoming the person you know I am. 


This morning something stood out to me as I was reading in the Bible about the parable of the sower. When a seed falls among thorns, it’s quickly choked and can’t grow. Thorns represent the worries of my life, and worry chokes truth, causing me to lose focus. It makes me wonder how many times I’ve not done something because of worry? The enemy likes to overwhelm us in order to paralyze us so he quickly throws in fear, intimidation and other things all at the same time, causing confusion and taking all understanding about the truth out of the equation. But when seed falls on good soil, I hear the truth, have understanding, believe it and start walking in it -this is how the truth about something becomes fruitful. So I need to guard the truth, remind myself many times throughout my day so it won’t be snatched away. All this to say that the truth about what worry does was planted deeply in my heart today, and being able to discard worry as much as possible will help me on my journey with Jesus.