
My Father, I feel like I’m star gazing this morning. What you do to my heart on our journey together is unexplainably sound. I’m walking on water with you. You’ve made a way where there is no way, and I thank you with all my heart. I love you.

Come my faithful one, yes it’s true that I’ve done this; I’m pleased to do this because I’m pleased with you my daughter, whom I love. 

Father, it’s true that I don’t ask you enough questions which would cause my faith to grow as we would then converse more together. I’m not sure what are good questions to ask so I’ll ask the first one that comes to mind, which is to ask you Holy Spirit to cause me to ponder about things so that questions will rise from that rather than merely to know the future. 

My faithful one, you have asked and I will answer.

My Dad, when you said this, I had a sense that I’d have questions about the book you’re leading me to read, which is all about life in the words you speak which brings life into the situations I’m praying for. I’m such a child when it comes to decreeing your words, and I know that understanding will come as I read and begin to walk in what I’m learning. I cannot help but smile when I see your face and listen to what you say to me. All you do in my life is for your glory, and how you work in my life is so that my faith and love for you will grow. Help me to pay it forward so that you’ll be able to touch intimately the hearts of others as well. All you do is good because you are the Father of love.

My daughter come and rest as we continue our adventurous journey together. You are mine.


Okay I’ve been doing so many things this afternoon and I finally get to sit and write again! God gave me two dreams last night and I’ll try not to put in every detail so it won’t be too long. In my first dream I was in a town and decided that I wanted some solitude, so then I found myself standing on a plunger (I’m not going to apologize for this image because God put it in my dream:)), with one hand holding onto the handle and the other arm I was holding straight up as I ascended high into the sky. I saw the town and the cars get smaller as I went higher, and I knew that what they saw as I went higher was a bright light, like a rising star. I kind of feel a bit silly as I’m writing this because it sounds like I’m putting myself onto a pedestal, but I’m really not. Then I became aware of the height and gripped the handle tighter. I think this dream represents that in my time of solitude with the Lord, I become vulnerable because I’m exposing myself at the same time for everyone else to see. I believe the plunger represents putting my feelings aside and making myself do something because it’s the right thing to do, and I think my recordings is what this represents. 

The second dream I had goes with this idea. I saw a young lady walk out onto a tight-rope above a huge waterfall. She was completely safe because she had a harness on which was attached to the tight-rope. Her instructor was standing nearby on the cliff. The rope at the beginning was flatter, which made it easier to maintain balance, and then as it continued out, it got thinner, making it harder to maintain balance. Her challenge was to jump off, whether it was from the flatter/easier surface or from the more challenging thinner rope. The first time she was afraid and lost her balance and held onto the rope with both hands, and then she tried again. This time she was more determined and went to the more difficult part and jumped off, allowing the rope to catch her. All this, I had a sense, was done in the dark. I could see what was going on so I’m not sure if she had done it in the dark. Trust falling is like doing it in the dark though because you can’t see where you’re going to land. If this represents my journey with the Lord I can say without a doubt that trust falling in complete darkness has been my faith journey. Not knowing the outcome many years ago, but allowing the Lord to lead where I land has been my long journey. But now that this part of my journey is nearly over, I’m sensing, there is only one place I’d like to land, and that place is home.. In my dream when the lady had made the plunge with pure determination and had felt the security of the harness, which was the whole lesson, she was done and the class was over. As I’m writing this, I remember thinking years ago that I thought I couldn’t, but the way the Lord has led me on this journey, he’s proven to me that I can trust fall, and I have, and I’ve been caught. It doesn’t matter how difficult the journey, as long as I’m with Jesus I know he’ll always catch me when I fall and he’ll always help me get back up! 

I then saw that this had taken place in a classroom setting where there were seats filled with students in a theatre type setting, leading down to where the platform was, lower than all the seats so that everyone could see. I walked down towards the platform and saw the teacher as I walked by. I became a bit self-conscious as I walked by the teacher and I noticed that the class was over and everyone was packing up to go home. Walking by faith has been difficult, but I can’t help this passionate fire in my heart for the Lord and his plans for me to grow brighter as we journey together. I’m not sure where the Lord will lead with my recordings, but I know that I will continue to trust him because he is trustworthy!