With You

Psalm 42:1,2,8

“As a deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? 8) By day the Lord directs his love; at night his song is with me -a prayer to the God of my life.” 


Come my daughter, all is well with you.

My Dad, I wish I could be more part of my church. I feel like I belong there yet I’m not there. I feel like they’re my family yet I can’t be part of them yet. Do you have a word for me about that?

I do -when the time is right.

Okay Dad -I trust in you..

Come my faithful one, rest, you are Mine. 


Happy Wednesday! Today my post is super short. This morning I woke up at 5:29 with these words spoken in my heart: “There was a stir from inside the house.” I wish I could tell you for certain why they were spoke to me, but I think in general I do know. I know that God is already doing something most amazing in my life, and yet something has just stirred in my heart like something hasn’t completely awoken yet. I have this feeling like I’m in an eggshell and I need to break through, and I feel like I’m wearing a straight-jacket, so breaking through is so difficult! I also know that I can’t break though using my own strength, so I need to continue to walk and follow the Lord and he’ll get me through. Though what I need is a spiritual breakthrough; please help me Jesus -I need to get new boots!! Much blessings to you!!!😎