
My daughter, rest, be anxious for nothing. Love has come into your home (heart). 

Father, I receive your love with joy.. My heart is glad; this is a time of celebration!!

Come my daughter, lets pray together that the Fathers will, will be done.

I pray this Jesus with all my heart! I really want and desire to take the next step into your plans for me. Your love has captured my heart -it’s been revived and now I need to walk deeper into your love for me. In this place of being woken up, my heart loves with a passionate love. You’ve touched my heart and I’ve woken up; please lead me deeper in so that this love will only grow more. 

Come my darling, lets go, for it is time.

Jesus, this rejoicing I feel in my heart, I can’t contain; I feel like I’m going to explode if we don’t walk forward!! But I know even in this I need to rest. 

Caroline my daughter, we are right on time -I’m never late.

I know. Please help me Father. I rest knowing that I’m in the boat with you and you’ll take us exactly where we need to land. 

Yes I will! 


My son found a tenor saxophone at the thrift store so this morning we went to pick it up, and this is what I’m listening to this morning -so nice! I attempted to make a design in my cap this morning.. one day I’ll get better at it! I saw in my dream last night a women who had revealed her whole self and was standing before the Lord unashamed, and I saw that her tummy was a bit swollen because she was pregnant. The meaning of this is that God has done so much work in my heart and is birthing something in me as I walk deeper into my calling. I had a quick thought this morning; For the world, knowledge is power, which is true for how it operates, but I’m finding that Jesus’ love is the real power because it’s his love that transforms people’s hearts which in tern makes a difference in the world. I’m volunteering more in my church again, really excited about that! I used to volunteer a lot and it’s time that I begin again. That’s it for me today, hope you’ll have a wonderful weekend! Blessings!!