Abandoning my Cares

Hi Dad!

Hello My love! How are you?

I’m well Lord, and I’m really intrigued by You! You’ve shown us what You are like through Your Son Jesus; You are our firm foundation. Holy is Your name and Your ways so full of purpose that getting to know You will take all of eternity and more! 

I am in love with you My daughter. You are right in saying that I Am. All that I Am is greater than you can fathom, and I love you with all that I Am. 

Dad, You are amazing to me. I love You with all my heart, but I am only very small and can only offer You an imperfect me. 

My daughter, I live in your heart. As you give Me your whole heart, you are giving Me My hearts desire! This is how important you are to Me. You are Mine, forever.

Father. I need You desperately, all the time. I’m so glad I cannot escape Your presence. You envelope me in Your strong arms each turn I take. You whisper in My ears how beautiful I am and that I am treasured by You. 

My daughter, you are My delight -You make Me smile. I delight in giving you good gifts. I see your heart and it’s beautiful, just like you are beautiful to Me. 

Lord, I feel beautiful in Your sight. My heart is dancing before You and with You!

My daughter, My love is the ointment your heart needs to be whole again. Trust Me, for I am trustworthy in restoring your soul.

Father, I trust You! Come and restore my soul, for all that I am is Yours alone. 

Come my daughter, I have great plans for you. No harm will befall you; no disaster will come near your tent. 

Oh Dad, I can truly rest in You, and I do. I hear Your musical heart-beat, and my heart is dancing to its rhythm. You are mine forever and I worship and adore You, my great and wonderful Father!

You are Mine Caroline. I treasure you, and I treasure these moments with you!


This time with the Lord really felt like a dance. My heart was light as I wrote what I sensed in my heart He was saying. I abandoned my cares and indulged in the freedom to dance with Him, heart to heart. 

This is heart to heart love and adoration for each other which really humbles me when I think of including others into the passion I feel for the Lord and how He feels about me. 

But I am truly honoured when the Lord can use my writing to touch the hearts of others and bring them closer to Him as a result. He is our husband whom we were made for, and in whom all our desires are met. He is the answer to every human problem. He is waiting for each one of us to spend time with Him each day to get to know one-another and grow this connection, called relationship. 

Many nights ago when I became serious about pursuing the Lord each day, He gave me a picture of what it looked like. This short dream helped me to be more determined to pursue Him each day. 

I was driving in a very busy city with hundreds of crossroads and overpasses, which reminds me of a bowl of spaghetti. I was driving super fast and I needed to find a specific road to turn onto without having the comfort of signs to warn me that my road was coming up. When I got to the right road, I quickly made a right turn and drove on it until I came to the countryside where it was quiet and peaceful. I had reached my destination where I could spend time in the presence of the Lord. This would be my resting place where we would meet and enjoy each other’s company. 

I was told in my dream that I needed to do this every day, to find that exact road and meet with the Lord everyday. 

The Lord wants this alone time with each one of His children. We all need this. We all need the fullness of His life inside our heart so we can walk with Him like we once did before the Fall of man. This is our purpose! As we spend time with Him each day, we walk with Him each day. Each day our relationship grows as we get to know each other’s heart better. The Lord knows us completely because He created us, but we still need to grow a relationship with Him where He can make Himself known to us, and also where He can say He knows us well because of the time we’ve spent with Him. 

How well does He know you? Well enough that He can trust you with what’s on His heart?