
Isaiah 43:1

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

Come my daughter, you’ve been invited. 

Father, I always feel welcomed by you, thank-you.

You’re welcome. I have something for you today. Draw near to me and I will always be near to you. You are Mine, the one I love.

Thank-you Lord. I really needed to hear you say this. I was beginning to feel a bit distanced from you, even though I know you are always near. Today has been difficult, just fighting discouragement, feeling like things will never change. 

I know; they will.

Father help me rise above these emotions and only rely on your truth. 

Caroline come, I have more in store for you.

Okay Father, I have my next assignment and I’m looking forward to doing it. Though I don’t see a window to do it in soon; next week Wednesday seems like the first opportunity. 

Caroline, I have more for you.

Father, what do you mean? I’m reminded of the song; “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings like eagles. They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. Teach me Lord to wait. 

Come my daughter rest, you are Mine. 


It seems like lately I’ve been forgetting more dreams than I remember. Though I did have a quick dream; I saw Bella more clearly and also saw Lucas; they were laughing together and walking towards me. And the word about that was, “family.” Something that I’m forcing myself not to do is to become anxious when I can’t immediately respond in the way that is hoped. If theres a reason why my heart can’t immediately step forward, then I need to work it out  with the Lord because my response always needs to be genuine, whether if its to wait or to go for it. I feel a lot of pressure to always jump at something that I’ve not been asked before, and I deeply apologize for my hesitation.. when I’m truly ready, then I will. I went to the noon class at the gym this past Tuesday and today. They’re nice light classes that I can do in my noon hour if I’m working, but I definitely still need to be taking my regular 5AM classes. I need to work with weights and get a harder workout in. I’ll be going tomorrow morning and resuming them next week. My favourite chips are Miss Vickies Salt and Vinegar, so I bought a bag today and had some.. hiding the rest so my kiddos won’t find them!! Blessings…