His Call

His Call

Father, my heart overflows with love for You. I have such a deep sense of fulfillment as I speak with You in conversation. I remember the picture You gave me when I first learned I could talk with You this way; I was digging deep in the sand and I found a phone or a microphone. I saw the enemy grab it out of my hand, and then I saw You grab it out of his hand and give it back to me. I am honoured by You Lord, that You would defend me so quickly.

Caroline, you are important to Me. My love surrounds you. I have secured our phone line. I have provided a way for us to connect. When you have doubt about our conversation, you won’t be able to hear My voice as clearly, but I will always be near you. Never give up. 

Lord Jesus, I thank-You for reassuring me through this short dream that Your voice is real, and it truly is Your voice I hear in my heart when I have a sense of what You’re saying to me. Spending time with You feeds my spirit. I cannot truly live without my spirit being nourished by You during these precious moments together.

You are My hearts desire My daughter, and it brings Me Joy as I speak with you.  I have given you much value -you are Mine. Rest, for you are secure in Me. 


When I look back and see the Lord come to my defence and give back what the enemy stole from me so quickly, I am almost in disbelief. I am so small in comparison to who God is, and yet, He’s given me value. I was defenceless and He defended me. 

It makes me wonder why am I so important to Him? He knows all my weaknesses. He knows the secrets of my heart, yet I am His hearts desire. He has put value upon me and wants to talk with me and have conversation. I have felt “less than” probably all my life, and to have the author of Life be so near me…and want me?… is really astounding in the insecure areas of my heart. 

The way He thinks about me is the same way He thinks about you. He’s crazy about you and has given you value. You are important to Him, and He wants to start talking with you on a regular basis. He wants to share with you the secrets of His heart. Why? 

First because He loves you and wants to be intimate with you, and second, because He wants to lead you in the way you should go. He created your temperament; He put all of what makes you, you in your temperament. He knows what the talents are that He’s planted in your DNA. 

So the question is, will you draw near to Him…every day and allow Him to draw out the real you? Are you ready to live out the person whom He’s created? Follow Him resolutely and He will show you the secrets of His heart concerning you. His desire is to make an impact on the world through your walk with Him -this is your calling.