King of kings

Psalm 118:29

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

My Father, I love you and I worship you. You are King over my heart.

I love you My daughter -you are mine.

Father, what is your word for me today?

Rest, and I will draw you near. Rest and draw closer to me.

My Father, I’m so thankful that it’s through resting and not striving that you draw us close. I’m resting Father. I pray for your blessings on this day.

I love you my darling -you are mine. 


Happy Sunday everyone!! In my dream it was darkish outside and I was in a small boat; I had a vague sense that my kids were with me. I was walking out onto the deck and I thought to myself that it would be safer if we would be closer to land. Then I saw that we were coming into shallower water that had a lot of weeds sticking out of the water. I had no control where the boat was going and was only watching as we turned around a section of trees. As we were going deeper into the wooded area I thought to myself that if anyone would search for us, we would be easy to miss because of all the turns we were taking as we kept on going. I was hoping we would stop in this sheltered place for the night but the boat kept on pushing through. I was helping steer the boat so it wouldn’t hit any trees. We came to a really wooded area and I thought for sure we’d stop here but we pushed through and came into a clearing that had a lot more water. Then the scene changed where we were in someone’s house. They were strangers and as I was looking at them, I wondered where the man’s wife was because I only saw him and his adult kids. Then I was saying something to them which I don’t remember. It had something to do with that we had just come but we weren’t staying long I think. Then I was outside looking ahead and I saw a lot of cars a little distance away. I looked through the trees and saw a big group of people playing volleyball, and I liked seeing that. Then another scene where I was standing outside and there was a train track nearby and an old poor vehicle had gone quickly by. Then I was having a conversation with the small man of the house, and he was telling me that in their area where they lived they kept their wives in chains. I was so shocked and could hardly believe they would do that. Then I was talking with a woman there and I told her that we would be leaving in the next few days. It felt like they were trying to keep us there for as long as they could. I had no idea where in the world we were but it felt like the place we were started with a c, or ch. I asked her where we were, what country we were in but I think they didn’t want me to know. I had no idea how my family would be able to find me. Then I was sad and was telling her that my dad back home could pass away any day, and she acknowledged it. Then another scene where my kids had a Miss Vickies sea-salt and vinegar chip bag and their kids were so eager to have some, so I told my kids to have only a little so that they could enjoy them; I said that because when we buy chips, it’s usually Miss Vickies salt and vinegar. Alright I believe God is showing me that because in my dream I didn’t want to stay out in the deep waters of the ocean, I’ve come into a place where the enemy wants to trap me. In waking life I’ve been seeing my next message as something too big and I’ve been fearing it. I really do need to rest and look back to God and his ability rather than looking at my inability. In my dream yesterday I saw my arm, which I think represents that I’m trying to do something in my own strength. I’m sorry Father -help me rest. Help me rest in my walk with you and trust you when you say you will help me.