Time To Let Go

Isaiah 44:3

For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. 

My daughter come, you are Mine. I love you.

I love you Lord.

Carolyn, I am near to you. You are mine today. Come talk with me.

Father, I’m tired and I’ve begun to loose hope.

My faithful one, don’t loose heart, for I am near to you. 

I believe you Lord. I praise and worship you; I know you are Sovereign and all your plans for me are good, so I trust you with all my heart. I worship you Father and I love you Holy Spirit. You are everything to me and I’m so thankful for you. You are my life and my living hope. Thank-you for filling me Father. Help me keep going; there is a purpose for everything you do, including the lengths of time you give in seasons. Help me draw closer to you in every season of my life. 

Come my daughter -I will give you rest..


Last night a had a few dreams; In the first dream the hour long crossfit session was done and the people had all gone home, and the coach walked by me with two notes from people that had been taking crossfit with them. One of them was from J who in waking life goes to crossfit classes; he said on the note that he wasn’t going to continue taking crossfit classes anymore (in my dream it felt like he hadn’t come to crossfit that day. On another note it said that S had been paying for him. In my dream they weren’t married but in waking life they are married. In Hebrew J means Yahweh is God. S means lady/princess/noblewoman. I got up early this morning to go to crossfit but I didn’t end up going because of my ankle:( They were skipping/front squats/back squats and power cleans today. I know a time is coming where I won’t be doing crossfit at least for a little while, and I’m not sure if the Lord is directing me not to go anymore in this dream already. It seems like it, though I’m hesitant to stop because I really enjoy it, but my ankle is making it hard for me to go right now. 

In this next dream I had been running and then I had ducked into a really really huge tent; as I was sitting on the grass inside the tent I looked to the distance and it was like it was another life; I saw another outside with people in it, and it was sunny there. Then I looked at the green grass and the first thing I saw were small blue balls like paintballs. Then I saw many other balls with different primary colours laying on the grass. Then I felt on the tent flap that someone had shot a ball (blue) on it with a paintball gun because he had been trying to get me. Then I was getting out of the tent and that’s what we were talking about. 

In this next dream I was sitting or laying on the deck of a ship and we had just set sail. I looked at a higher platform and saw a woman laying down on it. (This part is difficult to explain because I don’t know what the different parts of a ship are called.) In the Narnia movie where they’re on the ship, the front part of the ship that helps break the wind; on that ship it had Aslan’s face. In my dream that front part looked square or rectangle like a flag, and thin like a flag except it was made out of wood. The woman who was laying there had something like that connected to her feet, so that it went in front of the rectangle piece and looked the same. Then the woman had come down to where I was and strongly encouraged me to go and use the bathroom to go pee, and so I agreed and thought that was a wise thing to do. I don’t know what this dream means, though we had set sail -something is beginning.

In this next dream there was a really big campfire (I didn’t see the fire but I knew that in the middle it was really hot) with slabs of meat placed standing up all around it, getting cooked by the heat; I was going around the outside of this circle, putting something like tinfoil over each individual slab of meat so that the meat would roast better and the heat would stay in better. Then I was cutting a piece, the thickness in half so the whole piece was thinner. I saw that the piece I was cutting was done; the inside of it was just a little pink and was exactly the way I liked it. In waking like this is the way I like it. Maybe this is referring to camp this spring and the meat represents the people sitting around a campfire.

In another dream Lucas was in the bathtub with only a little bit of water, and for some reason the water had stopped. Then I had done something about it and I was watching water run out of a really wide tap, straight into the drain in the sink. I was somehow closer to the floor because I saw it higher than I was. The flow of water was really strong and it was orange, like it was rusty water coming from the bottom of the hot water tank. In the inside of the wide spout there was some kind of hose that the water was flowing through which was basically as big as the tap, and this hose would sometimes slip further into the tap so I needed to adjust it and pull it back out so the water wouldn’t accumulate inside the tap. Even though I don’t like to talk about it, I think this dream represents that today has been a bit of an emotional day. But also, we need to clean out the hot water tank because when we take showers, it doesn’t take long and then theres not very much hot water left. 

In the last dream I was hanging on for dear life on a swing like a flying trapeze. Someone had pushed me so hard that I was swinging so high. I was afraid that the chain that the straight piece I was holding onto would break. I was planning to let go when the swing was closer to the ground but my eyes were closed and I was going higher and higher. At first I thought I was on it with someone but I’m not sure. It could represent letting go of how life has been for me. It’s difficult to let go when that’s all I know, but the way the Lord has been leading me, I’ve become familiar with another way of life, getting ready for speaking. Also as the Lord has been waking up my heart to know what his love is, I know that I’ve longed for this all my life; I think it’s time to let go because Jesus can only catch me if I let go, and so I do… Tomorrow I’ll be baking bread/buns to bring along with my soup on Wednesday.. blessings..