
Isaiah 41:10

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 

My daughter come, I love you; you are Mine.

Father, I’m soaking in your presence. Help me do what you’ve called me to do.

I will help you my daughter. Fear not, for I am always with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. 


Hey good morning!! Last night I dreamt a few things! In the first dream I was walking along a path that was about 3 or 4 feet wide, was tan coloured and had long strips of what I think was dirt; I saw a some lines or ridges. This path had a very high wall on my right side; it was like the path was built into the wall, that’s how close it was. Then on the other side of the path was a deep drop-off. Below the path was a deep lake. I had a sense there was nothing underneath the path, though the path was secure, it was still risky walking along it. I knew I needed to walk this path, and there was someone that also needed to walk it. I wasn’t afraid of falling but I was still a bit nervous.

In the next dream my husband and I had left our house, but we went back to do something. I was standing by the kitchen counter when I watched the long horizontal type door-knob go down, which indicated that someone was coming in through the back door. Then an elderly lady had come in. I knew she was there to pick up the money from a fundraiser.I hadn’t donated anything so she had nothing to pick up, so she was going to go. I had intended to lock the back door and was going to do it right after she left. In waking life there’s a pie auction that’s going to happen in a few weeks; I wasn’t planning on making anything this year, but having this dream I think I’ll make apple pie again.

Then in the same dream I was standing in the kitchen and my husband was standing close to me, though I didn’t see him; I think my husband represented Jesus my husband. I was standing in front of his very warm winter jacket with the jacket all the way open. My husband had put a piece of lemon meringue pie in the jacket to store it there but I thought it would be better in the fridge. So I took it and put it into the fridge. What I saw as I was putting it into the fridge was, I had opened the door and I saw on the top shelf a lot of pop cans, so I put the last piece of pie behind the pop cans so it would be a bit hidden. I was thinking to eat it the next day. As I was putting it there, I saw that it was a big last piece, so my thought was to cut it in half and share it with someone. I’m not exactly sure what this cold represent, but will talk about it when I have more clarity. I’ve never made a lemon meringue pie before but really like them. Tomorrow Lucas’s band is going to the Convention Center where many other school bands will also come together and play what they’ve learned. It’s a competition between other grade nine bands. We’re also coming to church tonight for Power and Praise. Today I’ll finish writing my Testimony.. In the photo above, we were on our way to the Parade/Fair last Spring. This morning I had fallen asleep again and just before waking up I had a word impression on my heart which was, “coloured socks.” I’m not sure exactly what the Lord means by this but it reminds me that I still need to give back a pair of socks that Lucas had borrowed.. but I’m reminded too, not to worry. Blessings!