
My Father. I pray that you’d put questions in my heart to ask, and then I pray that you’ll answer them as I follow you. In the same way I pray that you’d put your desires in my heart so that I’ll have the right perspective and walk only in your ways.

Come my dear one, you are mine -I love you.

Dad, I really don’t know what to say this morning. I’m sensing your nearness very much -I just don’t know what to say. I dreamt last night that I was in my apartment with my kids, and we were huddled together, in distress because the apartment was being torn down by the elements. There was not much left and we had no place to go. Then someone came and invited us to go to their home, and it was the exact thing that was needed. I know Father that all you do is good and I thank you for your faithfulness in my life. I’m so thankful that you will never abandon us and that you will always direct our way. 

My daughter Caroline, I am near to you and I see your heart. Come and I will lead the way for you to go. 


What my greatest comfort is, is knowing that God sees my heart and he fills my deepest longings with his nearness. He sees that I really want to please him above all else. Yesterday I recorded again but I’m not going to post it because I feel that it’s incomplete, and I don’t want to post something just for the sake of posting. I’m really sensing the Lords nearness and I’m so thankful for it. I know that I’ll never be alone because where the Lord is, there is my home.