The Paths that Meet

Father, this morning I’ve been completely in awe of the love you have for me. You’ve rescued me. This shouldn’t be a surprise because who you are, is Love; If I’m walking deeper into knowing you, then I will automatically know your love deeper in my own heart as well. Shine your love into more of the unknown areas of my heart, who I am that I’m not yet aware of, that’s still in darkness. Your word says that darkness is as light to you, which means that you see every hidden part of who I am. You’ve placed me here exactly at the right time, so I want to not waste this precious gift, this life you’ve given me. Please continue to lead me in the way you desire, for your ways for me and my life is your purpose for me. Help me not waste any of this time here on the earth you’ve given me. 

My daughter, you are surely Mine. My ways for you are good paths to follow, and each has its own purpose that will bring out the best in you…each path I lead you on will bring growth in the many gifts and talents I’ve placed in you. Follow me in each one, for you are needed in each one. This is my design for you. 

Father, you’ve led me to discover this hidden place where we walk and dwell together. It’s a beautiful, peaceful place. When you showed this place to me in a dream last week, I sensed that off this well trodden path that we’re currently on, had other paths that were connected to it that went all over the area we were in. I wonder if each of these paths has a name? If so, what are they? I pray that as we journey together, you’d make this known to me. You’ve already told me that each path has a gift or talent attached to it, so help me pick up again that which you’ve already started leading me in but have put down. This makes me think that knowing who we are, how you’ve created us in our gifts and talents, and walking in them is more important than I’ve realized. You’ve given these to us for a purpose, and I have a sense that you don’t want these wasted because of this. These talents I have seem insignificant just like the worldly ways see You as insignificant. I’m sorry for this Father, please forgive me in this area where I’ve erred. 

I forgive you Caroline. Draw near to me and I will lead you again in some of these.

Father, when you said this I sensed that it’s all in your timing. It’s not only important to walk in them, but to walk in them in your time. As we walk deeper into the Fathers heart, I’m trusting in you to introduce these other paths in your perfect time. 

My daughter, all is well. Come, you are Mine and I love you. I will surely do as you have asked, for this is my good pleasure! 


I love how the Lord broadens my mind as we walk together, giving me a deeper understanding about things. I think too that his timing is there for a reason because he always prepares our heart for what the next pocket of time will bring. I think how well we’re able to engage in what’s next for us is dependant on how we’ve embraced the Lord and what he’s wanted to do in our heart. I think this is part of how he equips us to walk more effectively in our ultimate calling, which is to help him lead many deeper into his heart to know him more, to know what love is -he is the perfect recipe for love:) I think the paths that meet up with each other are also the people God brings into our life that we need to be connected too, because we’re not meant to live our life or walk in Gods purpose for our lives, alone.. we’re are stronger together!

I think the Lord created each one of us to be well rounded people, people who know their gifts and talents and are growing up in them. I need to read about this more but I have a sense that when Gods children know who they are and are walking in their God given purpose which is connected to what kinds of gifts and talents they have, he can place them where they’re needed most and it’ll create strong unity to overcome what God wants to overcome. I think that God desires to do so much more in every person than people normally allow him to do or know how to allow him to do. I’m only at the beginning of this journey when I say this, but where it all began for me was when I started spending time with him every day, brick by brick, day by day we’ve been building something together.. I think it’s a love relationship because I’m more secure in him now than I was when I first started. Knowing deeply, his love for me will help me walk with more confidence because Gods perfect love casts out fear. God has been pursuing me with his never-ending love, and now that I know, I will never stop pursuing him!!