
Proverbs 5:21

“For a man’s ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths.” 


Papa, I love You. Even though I’m not completely finished writing my message, I’m feeling victorious about it. I worship You with all of who I am. 

Come My daughter, I have a word for you. Do you love Me Caroline?

I do Papa.

Then come, follow Me. Don’t be afraid -I am near to you.

Oh Papa, forgive me for fearing the unknown and the known. I really don’t know why I’ve been afraid; I know there is nothing to fear. I let go of that fear right now in Jesus name. I know without a shadow of doubt that You are near to me. You are always my Protector. 

I Am.

My Papa, I’m coming!! I’m running to You as You run to me. Nothing will hold me back. 

I love you My faithful one. You are Mine. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

On September 12th when I woke up I had the beginning part of the song, Home, in my heart… I had a dream that there was a group of kids at my place. It started off with our youth group going into outer space. I saw Jesus my husband standing, waiting for me as he was looking at me, at the ramp in front of the opened door to the spaceship as I was walking towards it. Then it was night time and I was sitting on an outhouse type toilet that was in a really big public room. This room had several bathroom areas. Groups of people kept coming into this big room in the middle of the night, working on their questions. I was lounging on the couch with both my legs on the seat cushions, talking with the lady who owned the place where we were. It felt like we had had a long conversation. She was saying to me that she needed to charge more for people to come, and I understood. There was a group of kids that had just come into the room whom I didn’t recognize. The lady thought that the group was with me, but when I looked at them, I didn’t recognize any of the faces. Then when we were done talking, she left. The couch I was sitting on had two round holes, made for two people to use. As I was lounging, propping myself up with my arm, I was feeling the cushion with my hand and could feel that there was another hole/place for another person to go to the bathroom. The reason why I needed to feel with my hands was because there was something like a floor that was covering me by my shoulders. Then I was underneath this higher floor, standing on the floor where all the urine/feces was. The couch was there, and as I was walking behind it, it fell backwards into all that guck. I saw that it had begun to absorb the moisture and I quickly and carefully walked back to it with my flip flops on, trying not to get my feet dirty, and lifted up the backrest to an upright position again. 

Then the scene changed where I was up in that room again, looking for a bathroom to use. In this whole dream, I felt like I needed to go but I was always interrupted so I couldn’t go. So I was looking for a bathroom again. I saw there was another lady who was looking for a bathroom too, so I quickly walked towards where I thought there was one. There were many trees and shrubs in this room, and I saw that there were some shrubs kind of in front of me that would give me a bit more privacy, so I was glad about that. I also saw at one point, another bathroom. I didn’t see any door so it was open, but there was a short wall on both sides where the two toilets were, facing each other. In the middle, between them was something like an ornamental cloth that hung down about a quarter ways down, which was there to look nice. There wasn’t anyone in this bathroom. 

Then I was in my current house and I walked into our bathroom. I was relieved to be able to use a bathroom that I was familiar with. Then I was looking through our bathroom window. I saw our dog, Coco, digging up the dirt by the corner of the patio stairs. I knew that it was trying to get at something. Then I saw that she had gotten to what she was looking for; the stairs had been toppled over, and I saw Coco had a cactus plant and was carefully biting the thistles away to get to the juicy inner meat of the plant. I saw the long spiky thistles that covered the plant. I had a feeling like it was an Aloe Vera plant which has healing properties. Then I was standing beside it and saw that the cactus plant had been cut or broken straight off because it looked like a big tree stump, except the inside of it was a light colour and was really moist. It wasn’t hallow with a lot of water; it looked more like it was all light coloured muscles that were very moist. Then I saw there was a new shoot that had grown out of it that was almost as tall as I was, pointing upward, and at the tip of it were two small round buds growing. I’m actually really excited about this dream because a cactus is a resilient plant that grows in the dessert. I looked it up, even though I know the internet isn’t always the right place to look for, for answers, but I saw that a cactus plant symbolizes endurance, courage and power in the face of adversity! Yay! I feel like I’ve been walking in the desert for so long! I know too that I won’t be in it for very much longer!! 

I also had a quick picture of a black coat rack, standing on the floor that had several black hooks going up. There weren’t any coats hanging on it. 

Then in this dream I was in the youth room, sitting in the back row, but my chair was really far away from all the rest. Then it changed slightly where I was still sitting in the back row except that this time my chair was only slightly back from the rest. Then Jesus my husband came and asked me something/talked with me a little. I forgot about a dream I had last week; I saw a slice of bread being toasted in a small frying pan. I saw a large hole in the middle of it because as the bread was being toasted, it was slowly falling apart. I could see that underneath, a pile of dirt was forming from it being toasted, falling apart. 

This morning when I woke up the lyrics I heard in my heart were, “pull me a little closer, I wanna know your heart, I wanna know your heart..” Changing the subject, the reason why I bought heels in the States is because of the dream I had had, about seeing someone’s heel sink into a mound of dirt. I believe that the new cactus shoot with two buds growing at the tip represents that I need to have two points in my message, but I’m not sure. I will have two points just in case. (I remember a dream I had a long time ago about needing to have two points, so this is another reason.) When we were paying for our tickets at the water park in the States, the person gave me four free tickets for next year!! This Sunday at 5:00 there’s a concert happening at Grant Memorial Church; Unspoken is coming. My husband is helping with that. So my kids and I will go to church first, then go home and feed our dog, then go to the concert. Okay, hopefully I won’t get lost in the corn maze tonight! I’ve only walked around in the front part of it so I’m excited to be able to go!! We watched the Last Samurai yesterday.. it’s so sad, but I love how Nathan Algren was able to get up again and again, and grow to love the family who was taking care of him, and that community, which became his new home.. Love you all.. blessings! (sorry, I don’t have time to check for punctuations..) ✌🏼