A Greater Love

John 15:12-14,17

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13)Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14)You are my friends if you do what I command. 17)This is my command: Love each other.” 

Come my daughter, come close -I love you.

Thank-you Father, I love being near you.

Caroline, I have a word for you today.

Father, what is it?

Draw near my daughter and I will tell you.

Thank you Dad. What’s in my heart right now is wondering what you want me to talk about next. This last time was really difficult for me to know what you wanted me to say, and I’m still not sure if everything I said is accurate. It makes sense to me but you know that I’m not a math genius. 

My darling, what you said is true, you can rest about that. 

Okay. Father, I pray that you’d continue to help me rest about what you want me to say next because when I’m not resting about it, that’s when I’m trying to do it in my own strength. It was only after I was encouraged this last time that you showed me more about what you wanted me to talk about. It proves that when I’m not at rest or feel like I’ve been deflated, that it just doesn’t work. 

Caroline, there is more.

Father, I know you’ve said for me to teach others about how to love, so I know this is the broader picture. So help me break this down into step-able steps. I feel like I’m only a child at this and don’t have a lot of background knowledge. So I pray that through the Holy Spirit these gaps will be filled. 

I love you my faithful daughter and I will surely help you! You are Mine. 


Last night I had a dream with many little snippets, and they all took place in a city. I sensed that I was with a few other people but also sensed that I was more with one. In my dream I told someone that the city was a small city, but then I corrected myself and said it was a big city, thinking about the city of Winnipeg. In this first part I was standing in front of a huge photograph that was taken from a higher point-of-view, but it was like I was also looking at it through a camera lens. This photograph was divided into many smaller squares with different coloured filters. I think I saw it was a photograph of a huge park, pointing down to the foliage of many trees in a forest. Then I was standing and looking out and saw a city block with people here and there, and I saw that it was so windy that the wind was blowing people’s things away from them. I saw down the block that the wind had taken someones heavy instrument away that they had been carrying. Then I saw another person walk, he’d just come from a building and I think his name was Phil/Phillip (meaning -lover of horses; horses are my favourite animal:)). He had strapped his saxophone that was in it’s black case, onto his back or on the front of himself I’m not sure -I saw he had wound the strap around about three times. He had strapped it so that the wind couldn’t blow it away, and I thought that was so smart. Then the scene changed where I saw a huge city block that was a cemetery, and there were some people walking solemnly in it, looking at the gravestones -some of them were taller than the others which made them stand out. Then the scene changed where I was with a few people, or maybe just one I’m not sure, but we were walking into someone’s home and were walking up a tall set of stairs. Each stair was like it was made of porcelain that were light coloured with blue curvy designs. And as I was walking up the stairs I noticed how narrow each step was. Then I walked through the door and I was in big room with some people sitting on some couches. The first thing I saw was a man sitting on a couch that was against a wall, and it was quiet in the room. Then I saw a really big and long table that felt like royalty, with a high divider along the middle of the length of it, but this divider I don’t think came down onto the table (though I wasn’t shown this specifically so I’m not sure), it was more like a table ornament and was really high-class. I was seated at the first seat on one side and Bella was sitting beside me, even though I don’t remember seeing her. Then servers came and placed a covered plate in front of us, and I noticed that not all the plates were the same size. I saw that the person sitting next to Bella, their plate wasn’t covered, and I saw that it was a really big plate, much bigger than mine. The feeling I had in my dream about that was that every plate matched what the person could eat..though I’m not sure about that. I saw that their plate was heaped with hot potatoes and some other things, and I saw the steam rising from it. Then I looked and saw Bella’s chair and saw she wasn’t there, and I also saw a different little girl sitting beside where Bella had been sitting. This girl was a lot younger and had long brown hair. She looked like she was hungry and I saw that a woman was feeding her. During this time somewhere I was eating a creamy dessert of some kind from a dessert goblet that had the most delicious dessert. It had pieces of the most delicious baked crust at the bottom of the goblet underneath the most delicious creamy filling. I had my spoon in my hand and I was getting another piece of the crust, and I saw there were about three pieces left. I saw that I had almost eaten the whole thing and I exclaimed that this was the most delicious dessert I had ever had! I said that I had had many good desserts but this one topped them all and I couldn’t stop eating it even though there were other really delicious things to eat on the table in front of me. As I was eating I was thinking that I was not counting the calories-they were not important at that moment! Then I saw the server place another beautiful creamy purple dessert in front of me that was also in a goblet, and I saw their hand/fingers as they sprinkled something sparkly on the top that melted into the dessert, and this is the one I was going to eat next. Oh my… As I saw them sprinkle the dessert, it reminds me of how sometimes they sprinkle sugar onto caramel macchiato’s that I enjoy so much! In another small scene I was with someone at some kind of a party celebration, and I saw a tray of wine glasses filled with wine. I was a bit concerned because I don’t drink wine or any other alcoholic beverage, and then someone pointed out the two wine glasses that were non-alcoholic -I saw that they were marked with something like a straw sticking out of them to show that they were the non-alcohol drinks. Tonight is nacho and movie night at our place -God’s blessings to you!!!!