Holy Spirit Come!!

“But listen, O Jacob, my servant, Israel, whom I have chosen. This is what the Lord says —he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams. One will say, ‘I belong to the Lord’ ; another will call himself by the name of Jacob; still another will write on his hand, ‘The Lord’s.” and will take the name Israel.”  Isaiah 44:1-5


I love You Holy Spirit!

I love you My daughter; you are Mine.

I worship You Holy Spirit; You are so beautiful. Help me to know You more. Thank-You for making my heart Your dwelling place. I’m so honoured to have You living in my heart, showing me what it looks like and cleaning it as I give and submit to You. Thank-You for redeeming my life and for leading me to do Your will. You are everything to me; thank-You for Your comfort when I need comfort. Thank-You for the joy You pour into my heart which is my strength. Thank-You for making all things new and for Jesus.. In my heart I embrace Him as my best friend and soulmate..  Thank-You that I get to be the bride of Christ, and Jesus’ bride.. 

My daughter, arise. The time has come (feeling, “to claim your bride”).

Holy Spirit come! Come like a fire and ignite the deep passion that’s been growing inside of me for You! Fan this fire into flame. I am Yours Holy Spirit!

I love you My faithful one. I will surely fan into flame that what I’ve started in you. Come and you will see! 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

2:31 Yellow on a big truck (I saw yellow and vaguely saw a big vehicle)

2:46 “Everything I’ve been learning from the Holy Spirit is true.” (Sensing this when I woke up) I’m sensing that I made it yesterday, which means it’s actually true!! I believe it!!

5:13 why (the thoughts I had when I awoke quickly disappeared)

8:09 “Just another manic Monday”

8:14 “Just another manic Monday”

11:11 “Present” (praying in the Spirit, meaning God is present, also hoping it could mean, gift)

Today I’ll be baking and clean the outside windows. I bought the biggest pumpkin I saw in the building at the corn maze..it’s a start:) I opened my Bible to the scripture above! I’m sensing the big red stop sign I saw in a dream represents the stop and rest. Holy Spirit come! Blessings and Love.…🫶🏼….

October 1: 2:00(I think) “The opposite of friendies” 

In this dream there was a baby girl. I saw her and her dad in a big truck (from the front) as he was driving. We had been at an event and afterwards I was on the parking lot and we were all going home. I’m sensing there were two vehicles. I sensed I had always gone home with this dad who had a very smart toddler, and I had a feeling of it being awkward. Then after he left I ran after a bus that just started leaving (sensing there were people in it that I knew and I wanted to be with), and the driver saw me so they stopped for me. At first I wasn’t sure if they would see me but they did. I had a thought about where I would go if no one would give me a ride, but then the bus driver saw me as I began running after it. I’m sensing that seeing them both sitting together represents that I’ve come into “the cage” as I’m on the computer. Then when that’s done I’m running to get a ride with the bus where Jesus is because I know him and I want to be with him.. I need to pray into this..

In another scene I was on the parking lot and I was following /running after my sister who was running towards a white (with some silver) van. It was a family van except it didn’t have any windows, except for the front and front doors (for privacy?). There was someone else coming with us who was running ahead of me. I saw my sister run around the back of the van to sit in the passenger seat. I continued to run towards the drivers side but then the person who was ahead of me ran to the drivers side and went into the van to drive. I stopped and I didn’t know what to do, so I kind of stood there, not knowing what to do. The van was parked on the right side of the parking lot facing the driveway (on the other side of (passenger side) the van from where I was, there were trees or something) and looked like it had been there for awhile. As we were running towards the van, I felt excited and I knew my sister was too. I’m sensing that I need to stop driving (doing what I had been doing) and rest and enjoy the ride..(sit in the passenger seat). I don’t know what this looks like.. sit and watch? Enjoy being among? I believe this also represents me as the bride of Christ…

2:59 “Rose up from the grave rose up from the grave!”

3:04 “Rose from the grave rose up from the grave! With power to save with power to save! (I got up and went downstairs to pray.)

3:47 “How many of you have heard of a person named Timothy?” (I heard these words in my heart right before waking up.. it wasn’t a feeling)

3:59 “With power to save with Power to save!”

7:06 I was standing in a really big warehouse that had big shelves that were filled with light brown boxes. Then I saw someone putting a box into the last open spot. The last spot is now filled or I need to do one last thing? I’m sensing my meeting with the lady who I used to do CrossFit with is something I need to do; I remember in a dream, something about talking about Jesus, so this could be it! 

I vaguely remember that I needed to wear my black and white plaid fall jacket because it was colder outside. 

October 2: 11:03 I was in our room. I looked to the window and the curtains were drawn but the window was open. Through the curtains I saw a shadow of a large chipmunk jump onto the screen and hang there. I felt like it was threatening me and I was afraid. I didn’t know if I should punch it off the screen or not and I was afraid to go near it. 

11:20 I vaguely dreamt that we had a clock or something that we needed to bring back to a store, but the store was in the city and it was going to close in about half an hour, so we didn’t have a lot of time. I had a feeling like, why try. 

I don’t understand what went wrong? (I read and declared the post I saw, and I made some connections to my dream about it being dark. Before this I had no idea what I did)

12;15 “Sing the song of ages to the lamb.”

12:40 “Miraka Peters is my name.” In my dream there was a big evil thing that was trying to overcome a lady who was sitting outside, looking down. She was a super hero or something, capable to get away from it. Then I was with her and began pulling on her to get up and get away from the big evil thing before it blasted her; We got away before it could blasted her.

2:19 The veil was torn. I saw hands begin to tear something starting at the top. The feeling I had was about when Jesus died on the cross and then the veil was torn open because the Holy Spirit now lived inside of us. Feeling like the Holy Spirit is going to reveal something to me, like I’m fully in His presence.

2:24 “Come with us.” (I went downstairs to pray.)

2:42 “my (something) is cracked” vaguely seeing a boy looking at his luggage. I had momentarily fallen asleep. I’m desperately crying out to God, to the Holy Spirit!

3:09 Papa, Holy Spirit, please show me that I am not alone.

I am near

3:12 Please forgive me! (Im sensing I wasn’t careful about when I went to McDonalds. I had a black shirt on with my black and white jacket because I saw those in a dream; my black shirt because of seeing black and white in a music video and in a dream about seeing black with a white background. I also saw two people eating outside of a restaurant, so that’s why I asked to sit outside. This is the only thing I can think of if I did wrong. I just need to pray about everything before I do them and rely more on the Holy Spirit..

3:13 I forgive you My daughter. Come, you are Mine.

3:57 “yes” (I was pressing into the Lord about doing the announcements.)

4:07 “Come My daughter, rest, all is well with you. You are Mine declares the Lord.”

I’m sending I need to be at the front, holding the microphone, doing the announcements.. 

4:19 I dreamt there was a tornado and a woman was protecting a child while in something like an open box, like she was showing someone how to do it. 

4:27 “Elijah “ As I was resting, about to fall asleep I heard it in my heart, almost like it was whispered in my ear.

4:33 I vaguely saw someone’s painting. It showed the grassy area with wheat and long grass in front of the sand and water. Beside a kind of hidden path was a big rock or boulder. I didn’t see beyond the grassy area. 

4:39 something about wanting to drink coffee and lightheartedly hopping off of a stage. This morning at Shopgym part of our workout was burpee’s, jumping over the bar between each burpee.

4:43 I was looking into a lettuce bag and I saw two (I think) deep green romaine lettuce, waiting to be eaten.(This morning Bella wanted Caesar salad and I made salad from two Romaine lettuce’s, and because of my dream I ate whatever was left after Bella too what she wanted.)

4:48 There was a big shelf in front of a back door (I only saw the structure of the legs that could have been blue). I tried opening it but because of the shelf, it didn’t open. Then I saw a lady sitting at a table that was on the floor and in the shelf (I had a knowing it was a shelf but there weren’t any shelves to put anything onto; It was more like the skeleton of a shelf. I had a knowing that she was there to protect me. She looked very joyful and smiled at me I think. 

4:55 In my heart I heard a child say, “35 years old.”

4:58 In my dream we were at church in the front by the patio area and Lynnely was saying something and showing someone about setting something up. She had a smile on her face and I heard her voice.

5:04 As I was falling asleep I heard a big bang (in my heart) and it jolted me awake. 

5:19 Bella was playing with a friend, a board game maybe, on the floor. I saw her purple winter jacket laying on the floor behind her and I told her to stop and bring her jacket downstairs. I had a feeling like she had forgotten to bring it downstairs the day before.

5:30 I saw a really big something on the floor (in my dream). 

5:34 “you saw me at my very worst.. and love is all I heard.. I lift up my hands lay my whole life down, my whole life down before you..” you pulled me from the edge of darkness, into your light again.. 

I’m meeting G this morning and I plan to do another post. Making home made pizza for supper Bella’s request!