From Now Into Forever

Proverbs 10:21-25

“The lips of the righteous nourish many, but the fools die for lack of judgment. The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it. A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom. What the wicked dreads will overtake him; what the righteous desire will be granted. When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” 


My faithful one, I love you.

Oh Dad, I don’t know how to begin.. my eyes have been opened and I see now what I haven’t been seeing clearly before. A few dreams ago I was told that I needed to follow the man, Jesus, who was waiting for me on a road, and to walk with him on this road. Yes Father, with my spiritual eyes opened, I truly want to follow you Jesus down this road, with all my heart -I’m so excited about that and also because I finally have better understanding!!

Come my daughter, come close to me and I will give you rest on all sides. No weapon formed against you will prosper, for I delight in you.

Thank-you Father for your amazing love and for your amazing way with me. I am in such awe Father, of you. Oh Dad, I need to grow in wisdom and in knowledge of you. I pray you’d open the door for that and for this next step in following you more intimately. I really really miss deeper intimacy with you Jesus -please take me there. 

My sweet daughter, your love for me has grown. Come, I will show you more, for I delight in you. 


Yay it’s Friday!! This morning at crossfit I tried rope-climbing again and I did it! When I did crossfit seven years ago I climbed the rope to the ceiling only once, after that I tried a few times again and I couldn’t because the rope hurt the bottom of my leg too much. Today it didn’t hurt at all but I only went about halfway up because I thought people were waiting for me, so I went down. Then I saw they weren’t and wished I went up all the way because I totally could have! oh well. I always do that though.. I always don’t do something that later I wish I would have done.. like helping someone when their cup spilled or just saying yes right away when someone wants to help. ahh!!! Anyway, this morning as I was cleaning up the kitchen from making my kids lunches and eating my usual slice of sprouted grains toast with 2 over-easy eggs, I was thinking about what the Lord had shown me in my previous dreams and how they connect with things I recently heard people say; it dawned on me how Jesus wants to lead me!! That dream about Jesus leading me on the road is for now, not months from now -I’m so flabbergasted by that. Anyway, now that my eyes are opened and I can see more clearly, I know how to follow Jesus my husband better and will look for opportunities to do like I’m shown. I’m reminded of the movie Sister Act, and the song, “I Will Follow Him, and I totally need to write down the lyrics!

“I will follow him.. follow him wherever he may go… and near him I always will be… for nothing can keep me away, he is my destiny. I will follow him.. ever since he touched my heart I knew, there isn’t an ocean too deep, or mountain so high it can keep, keep me away, away from his love.. I love him, I love him, I love him, and where he goes I’ll follow, I’ll follow, I’ll follow. I will follow him, follow him whoever he may go, there isn’t an ocean too deep, a mountain so high it can keep, keep me away, away from his love. Oh yes I love him, I’m going to follow… He’ll always be my true love from now into forever!”

At Christmas we always get money as a gift so I’m going to resume voice lessons, which I’m so excited about! I’m also needing new runners -I’m hoping they have my size, it being right after Christmas (9.5). I normally go to the Outlet mall where I got my purse (kate spade -New York). I’m also planning to get another haircut.. I actually love short hair because it’s less work, but I really miss long hair, oh well, that’s that! I realize what the train represents that I had dream’t about two nights ago, and I’m more determined to get back onto the tracks. Despite the difficulty of always being trained into doing something I haven’t done before and always needing to discern the Lord’s voice, I 100% want to continue being trained, especially now that I can see more clearly how Jesus my husband is leading me. I always feel the pressure to discern right, and this was what I felt in my dream right before I decided to drive off the tracks. I boldly say that we’re starting this year more together than we’ve ever been, and I’m so grateful and thankful that unconditional love truly exists; I know it because I’ve been shown it.. thank-you Jesus with all my heart. ❤️‍🔥