God Enables Every Step!

I love you Dad! Thank you for your awesome work in my life. Thank you that in our journey together, it’s been you who’s enabled me to walk where you’ve been leading. My part has been to have a willing and obedient heart as I’ve been leaning more and more into you. 

My faithful daughter, I am well pleased with you.

Father, I’ve learned that you don’t just call me once in my lifetime, you call and invite me with every step we take; this has been my journey with you. 

Come Caroline, I’m inviting you again -will you come?

Jesus, when you asked me that, I had a sense that in this next step is learning more about you and your word and applying what I’m learning as I step out in faith as I’m more “out there,” doing what you’ve ask me to do. Yes Lord I want that. I feel this desire bubbling up within me that I know I won’t be able to contain because it’s my purpose to talk about you! 

Then come my darling, the time is right. You are my daughter in whom I am well pleased. Take my hand as we walk this next piece together. I love you too..


In my dream last night I was waiting for someone at the park, but while I was waiting (he was doing something he needed to do), I was helping someone else -I was holding something. As I was waiting I walked by a man who was the father of the person I was waiting for. He was reading the newspaper, and in the news he was reading that his father had passed away, and I vaguely sensed his name was Peter. He looked up and instantly recognized me, and I said, “hi, I wasn’t sure if you’d recognize me.” I said this, not sure about how much he knew about me, and I then knew that he knew about me. Then I was standing close to him and asked him if he knew that his father died because he read it in the newspaper or if he knew another way. I didn’t hear his answer, but then I tossed away what I had in my hand (a thin cardboard paper-towel thing that paper towels are wrapped around), which represented me helping someone at the park -that part was now over; I didn’t need to help him anymore so I didn’t need to carry it anymore. Then I was in the back seat of a truck with my kids, and my best friend was sitting in the passenger side of the truck (I didn’t see Jesus but I’m sure it was him that was driving) sitting facing forward but had turned around enough to give me a full hug. I was leaning over the seat, engulfed in his embrace. I felt like I belonged and I was finally home. I feel like something has settled in my heart with Jesus, something so right, and would run towards if I could, and I will when God enables. Then we were driving on the highway heading east (I only sensed east was the direction), and to my right I saw through the window that we were passing the park parking lot that we had been parked at. I noticed it was empty except now there was someone else who had parked there that I didn’t know. I have a sense that this was to show that life moves on. 

Another dream last night where I was walking and saw to my left, inside a home and all lined up on display, were small pieces of art/crafts that my sister Connie (means the right way to go), and my mom (means the making of spiritual food), had put together. I was seeing them closer up and saw that they were far from perfect and were home-made. When I was a bit closer, I saw they had more value than I had at first thought. I was in front of two of them and I was told I could choose one of them for myself, so I chose one and laid it aside. Then I saw that the one to the right of it was much bigger and had writing on it (it wasn’t one of the art pieces I had put together -my recordings) and among the writing was my first name. I was surprised and thought I would have chosen that one if I had seen my name written in it. It looked like it was some kind of plaque, like an award that said I had completed a course. I’m sensing that I have one more recording to do before my award comes, but I could be totally wrong. I completely trust how the Lord is leading me and I love it!! My plan is to record tomorrow.. I’m so excited that spring is finally here.. I heard a robin yesterday!