
My Father, I’m determined to do a recording today because I’m not sure what this week will hold. Holy Spirit please come and lead me because you have something to say through me. I invite you Holy Spirit, please come.

I will lead you my darling -you are mine and I love you completely.

Father, what do you want to say to me today? In what way do I need you? Please point to and put your finger right onto the exact place and show me so I know.

Come Caroline, all is well.

Father, I ask that you’d put a burning, passionate ember onto my tongue so that I can’t help but speak about you. Create a desire in my heart to learn and hunger for more of you. I need to walk deeper into your heart Father, because there’s nothing else that can quench only what you can give. 

Caroline, I have called you -come deeper in.

Father, I’m no longer satisfied with where I’m at with you. I feel like I’ve reached the highest I can go in this time frame. Take me higher Father and lead me through any obstacles that would want to stand in my way. You’ve called me and I need to be able to come. Make a way where there’s still no way. Please come and walk me through the archway and into a time of celebration, for this is your plan for me which I love. Please take me there!

My daughter, I’ve heard your words to me. Make ready, for the time is at hand -I have come. Go and get ready for the time is near.. I have spoken. 


This afternoon I sought the Lord about what he wants me to speak about in my next recording, and I found myself typing it all out. It’s going to be about the journey the Lord has led me on and about my calling. I really didn’t want to share it in a recording but I can’t seem to get past it -because how the Lord has led me on my journey is also how the Lord wants to lead others in theirs. Planning to do another recording either the following day or Friday.