Hidden Treasure

My Father, what is your heart for me today? I seek you with all my heart.

I know you do my faithful one. Come, you are mine. 

Father, I sense the words “Holy calling.” You’ve called me with a Holy calling. I know what you have for me to do inside the circle you’ve placed me in, and as I keep walking with you, your light will keep shining forward as we walk, illuminating our path. I’m so honoured Jesus, Holy Spirit, to be walking with you -help me do this well. 

My Father, as I was praying in the Spirit, thinking about praying prophetically for others, I sensed you question me about having doubt about hearing you for others. I don’t doubt hearing you for others, but what I do think about is making a mistake and hearing me instead of you. I also heard in my heart you telling me that I can do this. I’m sensing this is part of the calling you’ve placed me in. 

My daughter, rest as we walk. Trust me to lead you in the way we need to go. How do you feel about doing that? 

Father, when I remember praying for others at church, I know it’s given me a deep joy, and I do long for this. 

What’s stopping you my dear one? 

Nothing really, I just don’t like rushing into things if I’m not completely sure. 

Then come, I’m waiting here for you. Remember, my power is made perfect in weakness. 

Where I am weak, there I am strong because of you.

Yes Caroline, this is true.

My Father, I will go because you’re leading me there. I’m totally depending on you Holy Spirit. Help me hear you for others. 

I will surely bless you my daughter -you are mine. 


I’m sensing such a battle inside, again. Walking deeper into Gods heart has proven to be difficult, but because of where I am, inside his heart where he surrounds me, I know he is my strength even now as we walk and not just when I get to where he’s leading me. The Lord encourages me in different ways and there was something I saw the yesterday that makes me smile….it reminds me of what connected me and my dad. 

Lately the Lord has been drawing my attention to Proverbs 9:9-11: Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. 

Also where it talks about what the kingdom of heaven is like, where there’s treasure hidden in a field and after discovering it, he hides it again until the right time, when the man sold all he had and bought the field. The Lord showed me a while ago an open field, one that I can start again, a new beginning where I’m following the Lord more courageously. I answered him yes, I want that..I want what the Lord wants for me. 

These verses make me think about how the Lord wants everyone to search Gods heart like we’d search for the most important thing in our life, or what we’ve given the most value to. When we do, a wise man will become wiser; a righteous man will add to his learning, and years will be added to our life. When he found hidden treasure, this man gave everything he had in order to gain something better. I think part of what the kingdom of heaven is, is Gods way of how to live ones life.

I think that when we make our own plans for our life, they may seem good to us, but that’s because we don’t know how much better Gods plans for our life really is. When we follow Gods leading instead of our own, he’ll lead us deep into Gods heart and lead us right to the hidden treasure our heart truly longs for, which is the calling he’s placed on our life, which also mirrors who God has made us to be. Pursuing Gods heart takes a lot of work, but when I think about the hidden treasure that’s there, it’s far more worth than any field I could buy on my own, living life my own way. Before me is my life, a new field where I’m going to build up the kind of structures the Lord has in mind for me to build that mirrors who God made me to be, and in this way, God will lead many people deeper into his heart through the gifts he’s given me. I’m saying this in faith because I don’t know the distant future, but I do know my overall purpose and that is to help lead many people into the kingdom.