Spiritual Children

My Father, my heart longs to be connected to what you want me to do. It’s like my spirit is groaning with desire to move forward. Holy Spirit please come and do your work in me so I’m no longer holding you back. I say no to the things of the flesh and all its insecurities and yes to the things of God and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You are my desire Father -take me deeper!

My daughter, rest. My timing is perfect and I’m leading you. 

Jesus, am I still walking beside you?

Yes you are my loved one. You are mine and you know my voice. Soon this journey will be complete. 

My Dad, I enjoy being in your presence so much. I wish I could just stay here at my desk and write and plan what to say for my recordings all day, but then I know I’d get fat because I’m not running like you’ve also asked me to do. 

Holy Spirit, when I think about the children in my dream when you came to my defence, I can’t help but think that the children are connected to the words you spoke, “I know who she is!” I could be wrong but I sense that the children represent all the things I need to grow up in as we walk together on our journey. Is this accurate Father?

Yes my darling. The more you’re able to walk in freedom, the more you’ll grow up in me. Liberty. 

Holy Spirit when I think about where I am presently and then I think about our journey together and all its possibilities, I think I’m going crazy. This being led in the Spirit isn’t something that makes earthly sense. But everything you’ve done and are doing in my journey with you has given me more life and hope than I’ve ever experienced before. 

When I think about how you’ve given me my spiritual children, my prayer time represents Lucas and my bible study time represents Bella, how many more children can I have if I continue to wake up and begin to walk in the things you want me to do? I’m thinking the multitude of children in my dream could represent that.

My daughter, don’t be afraid to walk where I’m leading you. This is only the beginning, and this beginning will set a strong foundation for where I’m leading you. You’re doing well my faithful one. Don’t be ashamed of your struggles, for this is part of growing up into maturity. Stay close to me and I will awaken what needs to be awoken as we walk. My timing is perfect -lean into me when in doubt.

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, I’m so thankful and completely honoured that I can walk with you so intimately and that you’ve chosen me first, to partner with you to do your work and second, that you’ve chosen me and are giving me added life. Your leading and the gifts you give are so good and I thank you for them!! Please grow me up in you so these spiritual children will be awakened in me -I don’t want to come to you empty handed when it comes time to meet you face to face, rather, I want to come to you surrounded by these children you gave me, hopefully many of them will have grown, and that you’ve made me responsible for. Please awaken these in me so that I can give them back to you as gifts. I want to bless you in this way!

My daughter, I’m well pleased with you!