What’s Most Important

Jesus, I rest my head on your shoulders. I know what you’re asking me to do, to practice putting messages together continually, and I know doing what you ask me to do is carrying my cross. Help me through this difficult part of learning something new again. It’s not completely new anymore; I just need to think about it a little differently. You are my God and I will listen to you and obey what you say because of my love for you. 

My daughter come and rest in Me, and I will surly help you. Rely more on Me. 

Help me to rely more on you Father.

My daughter, I have something for you today. Do you want to hear it?

Yes Father, I do.

I am near to you and will lead you in the way you should go. Be anxious for nothing -keep your eyes on Me and I will lead you. 

Alright. Help me do this too because I so quickly forget.

I love you my daughter. All is well with you.

I love you too Lord. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart for being so very patient with me. 


Just some quick thoughts today.. I dreamt last night that I was in a foreign country, in a really big building and the other big buildings around me were being torn down by people. The buildings were crashing into the building I was in and then there were heavy pieces of concrete and stuff falling into the room I was in. I believe the Lord is showing me that he’s tearing down the old so that he can begin building the new in me as I continue to do what he’s asked me to do. My heart is so raw right now as he’s doing his work in me. It’s like looking into a window and seeing something I desire so much but I know I can’t have yet. Doing the work is for my own good; learning new things and stepping into God’s plans for us in his timing and not our own timing is so difficult! But God is my Dad and I’m his daughter, so I’m going to keep following him because he’s what’s most important in my life, and He has the highest place in my heart. Yet I know that God’s plans for me are far better than my own. I trust you Jesus.