Stepping in Jesus’ Shoes

Matthew 11:30 -AMP

“For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good -not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.”


Papa, I love You and I Praise Your name. You are my God, my Redeemer. Holy is Your name!

I love you My daughter -you are Mine.

Papa please awaken me more. I want to hear You more clearly for other people. I want Your heart for them. Give me eyes to see how You see and a heart to feel how You feel for others. I want to live for You and not for myself. Give me boldness to speak. I’m here on the earth for Your purpose. 

Come My daughter, for I delight in you. You are Mine.

Papa, I put my security in You and I will obey Your commands. I trust in You and I’m not afraid to follow You because I know that You are always with me. 

I am. Come.

I’m putting my hand in Yours Papa -I am Yours. 


Hey everyone.. welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

I’m so excited about today and I hope you’re all well! I woke up last night at 2:39, hearing these lyrics in my heart, “..and I know it’s not much, but I’ve nothing else fit for a King, except for a heart singing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah…” I had also dreamt that it was dark and I was in my car, tumbling around and around in circles as the car was moving forward very quickly. I don’t know if the car was also tumbling in circles or not. As I was tumbling in circles, at first I thought I’d just surrender to it and wait for it to stop on it’s own, but then I thought I should try and stop, just in case the car would hit something. So I felt around with my foot and my hands for the brakes and the steering wheel and when I found them I pressed on the brakes as hard as I could and stopped the car. Then I looked out of the font window and saw only a few meters away, many family units were sleeping in their make-shift rooms of blankets. Then I had been walking among them and was walking out when I recognized that if I hadn’t stopped, many families would have been killed. (Lucas hung up a bunch of blankets from the rafters in his basement bedroom to create many small hallways.) I’m thinking what I’m tumbling in that I need to stop doing? I always feel bad that I don’t spend time with the Lord with them. That’s the number one most important thing I could ever do with my kids and I’m not doing it. What stops me is that I don’t know how to do Bible study with them because I’ve never learned how to do it other than what I’ve been doing for myself. I’ve tried getting them to do what I do but they’re not interested in it. I’ve started watching things on the Bible Project app with Bella, but I need to be more consistent. The other thing I’m “tumbling” in is putting my message together. I’m going to work on it again this afternoon. 

After Shopgym I had to go back to bed because I couldn’t sleep for about an hour after waking up at 2:39. I dreamt that I was in a big arena and the bleachers were filled with people. No one was on the rink except for myself and the group of people I was with. The rink didn’t have ice though, but I felt that it was that kind of arena. There were a bunch of shoes inside the wall of the rink that my group of people were picking up and bringing with us to the centre of the rink. Some people had picked up shoes already and were walking towards the centre of the rink, and I saw a pair of really big and wide shoes/runners that looked like they had been worn a lot. Because they were so big, I held one in each hand as I began walking. Then I turned to look back and saw that there was one person left who was bending down to pick up the shoes they were going to carry, and I saw that there was one pare left. So I walked back to pick them up; they were a pair of newborn shoes/sandals and I thought they were so cute!!! I think they were a light blue colour. I had tucked the right one in the really big, right side shoe. In my dream you could see the small one tucked in the front as if the big one was also a sandal. As I was walking towards the others, I was working on the second one which seemed to be inside out; I was untangling the thin leather straps. All the shoes my group of people were carrying belonged to some people who were sitting on the bleachers, and I was thinking that the person who the big shoes belonged to that I was carrying would be glad to see the baby shoes inside his own.. It felt like we were going to sing, O Canada. I believe that the Holy Spirit is showing me that I’m on my way to walking on stage, stepping in Jesus my husbands shoes!! I’m sure a baby at this, but look out world, here I come!!! 

Yesterday I ate breakfast for lunch; a piece of toast with two over-easy eggs. I was eating over the sink in the kitchen when I felt some of the yolk drop onto my blue T-shirt by my tummy. I also saw that some had dropped onto the counter in front of the sink. I didn’t think much of it until Bella asked me after school what was on my shirt, so I told her it was egg yolk. When I told her I was reminded of a dream I had last week, that I saw egg yolk on the kitchen counter. The Bible verse that comes to mind is Mathew 11:29-30 AMP (Holy Bible app), “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me (following Me as My disciple), for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed, quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is easy (to bear) and My burden is light.” I’m encouraged!! Goodnight Blessings..