More than Capable

My daughter, come, you are Mine- I love you.

My Dad, you are mine and I love you too. Please draw me deeper into your heart Father, because when you do, I get awakened more. I know there’s a part of me that’s being aroused and I wish it could wake up faster.

Caroline -I hear you and I see this desire in your heart. Come, follow me deeper in and I will awaken what’s been asleep. Come, I’m inviting you. 

Dad, I’m willing but my flesh is weak. I’m sensing that in order to follow you deeper in requires me to pursue you with fresh determination..with fasting and getting up earlier again like I used to do, to spend intimate time with you. 

This is true My daughter -I’m well pleased with you.

My Dad, denying my flesh is a difficult thing to do, but the rewards of walking deeper in far outweighs this difficulty. You’ve called me and I will go with you. 

My faithful one, you are Mine. I will equip you in each season of your life. Trust me. I see you always and I know the journey you’re on. I’m proud of you!

Father, your grace and mercy for me are great. Thank-you for being patient with me when I miss the mark. I’m deeply thankful to know my future is in your hands. You are my Good Good Father!


When I fight my flesh in order to overcome its desires; when I spend time with the Lord when I’d rather be sleeping, the Lord grounds me in him, into a strong  foundation, giving me a better perspective. Why? Because I’ve given up something that’s hard to give up (sleep) to meet with the Lord instead, and because the Lord has asked me to do this. 

I know the Lord is awakening me spiritually, drawing me deeper into his heart. Going deeper into his heart is actually a lot of work because it requires commitment on my part -I know it’s not something only the Lord does for me if I have this desire, I need to also put in the effort. I need to be intentionally walking in my calling, and I can only walk in it if I stay close to the Lord because it’s him who needs to lead me.

The Lord showed me in a dream not that long ago where I saw an abundant flow of water, and I cupped a large amount into my hand, drinking deeply. I’m sensing that drinking deeply of this water represents the Holy Spirit’s deep anointing as I continue to pursue the Lord. I feel inadequate, and I know within myself I am, but I need to remember that I can’t rely on my own incapable strength, which would make no sense, but in Gods strength which is more than capable.