Running Into You!!

Caroline, all is well with you. You are Mine and I love you. Come into my presence, for my love beckons you to come.

My Dad I run into you! My desire and love for you has grown much deeper because you’ve led me to be able to make more room in my heart for you. Romans 6:22 says that I am enslaved to you. You’ve captured my love with yours.. and it’s the best thing that could ever have happened to me because of the freedom and wholeness it’s bringing into my heart. 

My Father, as we stand together here, I just want to thank you for allowing me to go through hardships. They’ve made me turn to you and have made me more resilient in my walk with you. But I also thank you that these hardships are nearly over. I’ve gotten to know you during hardship, and now I want to know you in another way; I want to know your heart from another angle, another perspective -please take me there, for you have many names.

Father, you are such a mystery, not because you keep yourself hidden from us, but because we as a people haven’t pursued you in the way we should always pursue you. I want to run into all these hidden places and discover everything there is to know about you! Yet I know that I have such a deep joy within me as you make yourself known to me in these little steps we take together, making each step count..

My faithful daughter, I will make myself known to you step by step. I am pleased with you.