Setting Captives Free

Come My daughter -you are Mine, the one I love. I am near. All is well with you -you’re in right standing before me.

My Dad. I’m catching myself internalizing hardship; the hardship of being in spiritual warfare and also the hardship of waiting. Help me focus on you and pursue you in these hardships so that I’ll only internalize your love and your presence. Please give me supernatural strength to continue walking with you so that you can complete in me what is in your heart to do in me. Please bring me to this place. 

My faithful one come -you are mine and I love you.

Father, do you have a word for me today?

I do. Don’t hide yourself.

Father, help me not to hide what you’ve called me to do. Help me not to hide your righteousness in my heart which cannot be uprooted. Isaiah 39:29 says, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” and verse 31 says, “…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

I will help you come out my daughter, for I am always with you. 

Thank you for your nearness Father. I trust in you. You are setting this captive free.


I can read this conversation in far less than a minute, but the actual writing of it took about an hour. I’m really leaning into Him. Writing my thoughts that come with deep emotion is like running and pausing, then eating and really thinking about what the Lord is saying, then running again and pausing as He gives me more food for thought. Lately I’ve been so aware of what I’m internalizing, and what I internalize really does fill me up. So I need to internalize the right stuff.. I was really blessed this weekend as I got to watch the play three times and listen to the message three times. I didn’t want to embarrass myself so I didn’t say anything when the opportunity arose, that it was only in the last message, hearing it for the third time that I could actually follow the leading of the message. Maybe thats why the Lord so often walks slowly, so that I really get what he’s teaching me, making each step count! But it makes me wonder what else I’m missing when I only hear a message one time! I’ve found too that when I listen to other messages over and over again, the Holy Spirit shines on different things for me to see. My kiddos enjoyed their dance contribution at the end of the play! I think everyone did such a good job, really funny, and I was really blessed! What an honour it is to be following the Lion of Judah! This week I’ll finally be able to visit my long-ago mentor, and I’m so deeply thankful for her and for all those who deeply impact my life! Ive found it difficult these last few weeks to watch the course I signed up for. Last week I dreamt that I at first saw my past crossfit coach Crystal, way up high, then it was myself up there, eating a thick substance from a long tube. I think that the Lord really wants me to indulge in this course which plays on youtube, and get the most out of it that I can. It could also show that it’s crystal clear to me that the Lord wants me to coach others in the way the Lord has been leading me in our walk together. Right now what I’m praying is that I’ll be spiritually present enough for the Lord to be able to lead me so that he can finish his work in me. It reminds me of an egg that is about to hatch; the baby chick needs to peck out of it’s own shell in order to have gained the strength it needs to live. It’s difficult in so many layers, but really, all I need to do is to keep my eyes on Jesus my Shepherd, because he alone knows the way through the maze -many blessings…