Getting Back Up!!

Ecclesiastes 4:9,10

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up…”

My faithful daughter, I love you with an everlasting love -you are Mine.

My Father, thank-you for helping me up again -I don’t know what I’d do without you..

Caroline, I have something for you today.

Father, I need you so much -please speak to me.

I’m in the midst of your pain. I’m right here with you.

Thank-you Dad. Now that I’ve gotten back up, please help me continue to walk with you again.

Come My daughter, I am your help -always.


One of the books I’m reading right now is called The Love Languages of God by Gary Chapman. I’ve never read his book where he talks about the five love languages, and now that I’m reading this book, I wonder why I’ve never taken the initiative to read the other one. Anyway in this book he also talks about them and how God shows us his love based on our primary love language. I also finally have a C.S.Lewis book, Mere Christianity, so I’m looking forward to reading that too!

In one of my dreams last night I was in a hospital room and a doctor was seeing me. Then I had walked down a hallway to use a bathroom. I was trying to figure out how to lock the door and had pressed something on a hospital bed near the door, but then I thought that that wasn’t the lock. Then I saw that the doctor was walking to where I was and showed me how to lock the door by showing me something in my hand; It was like a little wooden thing that when I locked it, a small, 1/2 inch long wooden piece the width of a toothpick would hold the door from opening. Then I saw the white toilet seat and saw it was really wide like it was a double toilet. Then the scene changed where I was still in the bathroom but I was looking down into a really wide round hole that went straight down, reminding me of the pipe in the basement of a house where all the bath water drains into which leads out of the house. I was watching for Lucas and Bella because they were in there, in one of these pipes that led to the side of this big hole. Then Lucas had come up and now I was waiting for Bella. I was wondering how she would get up to where I was without falling into this hole that I couldn’t see the end of. Then she had come up (which I don’t remember seeing), and she right away ran down the hallway to some place. As she was lightly running I saw she had a really nice dress on, one that was high quality and that reflected her dignity. As I watched her run, seeing the back of her dress, I also saw that her dress was sopping wet from the water from where she had just come. Then I had a quick dream that I was playing tag with someone; we were both near a wide rectangular column and the person who was trying to tag me had rushed to me from behind the column, surprising me at how fast they came and I exclaimed in my excitement that they can’t do that! Then I had a sense that they went back.

Then in the next dream I was in a bus, going on a ride with a class and their principle. I was sitting almost directly across from her, one seat over and across the aisle, and we were all facing the aisle so that we were able to see each other, and there was another adult or two there and we were all having a conversation together. I felt and exclaimed something about how I admired her that at her age she held such a high position in her school. I remembered her growing up and now she made it look so easy with how relaxed she was; I saw that she had lipstick on and was dressed really nicely.  It wasn’t about her age; it was more about the timeframe -how at the beginning of a not knowing or not having learned about something to how much she had learned in order to have achieved so much within that timeframe. She was smiling and I vaguely saw that she had her arms up, resting her elbows on both backrests beside her. About my recording, I couldn’t have done it today, but will be doing one this coming week. I’m so thankful for grace…