Jesus You Are My Yes!

Psalm 130:5

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.”

My Father,

My daughter, I love you ; you are Mine.

Father, there is no-one like you. I worship you with all of who I am. I’m so thankful for you Father. I’m soaking in your presence. 

Come my darling, you are welcome here.

Holy Spirit, please quiet my thoughts so that I only hear you. I need to hear your voice more. 

Caroline, I have a word for you; be bold and courageous, for I am preparing a way for you. 

My Dad, this is easier said than done! I can imagine walking in boldness. Help me disagree with fear -I’m so used to it’s presence. 

With me all things are possible My daughter. Rest. Come, I will show you; I will lead the way. 

Father please help me recognize your voice and boldly follow you. 

Come my faithful one, permission is granted.

Thank-you Lord for making a way where there was no way. 

Come my daughter, follow me and I will make you a fisher of men. 


Hey everyone, todays post is so late; I worked today, subbed for an awesome grade one class! This morning we did Strict presses; 3 strict presses @90%, but I thought it was 5X5 so I worked up to 5 sets of 5 of 50lbs. The Metcon was for time: 800m row, then about 8 rounds of Dual Kettlebell Farmers Carry with heavy Kettlebells and 10 toes to bar or knee-raises. My knee’s doing better each day, thank-you Lord! Last night I awoke at 2:23, hearing in my heart, “Jesus you are my yes.” Then at 3:59 I awoke with the lyrics, “I’m running to the light!” Blessings!!✌🏻