Playing A New Song

Father, thank you that I’m feeling so much better today! I had such a good sleep!

I love you Caroline -I am your Provider in every way. You are mine.

Father, I delight in being with you every day. Somehow we always find something to talk about. 

My darling, I delight in you too. You’ve been faithful in this long journey and you’ve learned what it takes to remain faithful. 

Father, I cannot take credit for this. You’ve encouraged me every step of the way. You’ve always had me looking ahead and have always given me something to look forward too. You always keep me thinking about something, which has helped me to pursue you. 

My daughter, all is well with you. You don’t need to fear even one thing because we’ve been walking together this whole time. My plans for you have been written even before time began. 

My Dad, I look into your eyes and won’t break our connection. As you see me, you also see everyone else around me so I don’t need to. You cover me with your protective gaze, so I trust fully in you and in your loving ways with me. You are my Dad and I love you!


Hey I hope all is well with you!! Diving deep again today, I’m so excited to share my dreams with you because Gods fingerprints are all over them! In the first dream I saw in a map a residential community, and in the middle of the maze of houses and roads was a vacant mansion with a huge oversized yard. It looked like one of the homes on Wellington Crescent except bigger! Even though it had its age, it didn’t look run down but was solid and had a rectangular shape, having about four floors. Then the scene changed where I was going there with Bella because I knew the way -the map had shown me how to get there. Before we got there, we had gotten to the road that led there. Then we were inside the mansion and we were peeking into the largest bedroom I’ve ever seen. The ceiling was as high as probably all four floors and the length looked like it covered the entire width of the house. It was bright in this room and I saw that it had been vacant because there were not many things in it. I saw a queen sized made bed and a piano close by. Then I was walking around to the front of the piano to watch a girl play it beautifully. As she was playing a song, the white dust it was covered in began to lift off to reveal the beautiful colours of the keys, like colours being born or coming to life as they were being played. I had a sense that there was royalty within the home and in the attitude or persona of the lady who had stewardship of the girl. 

Then I think I was in another place but I’m not sure. This place was like a place to go to, to buy things; someone’s home that was open to the public. The lady who’s home it was, was selling her paintings. I had a painted canvas in my hands that I thought would cost about 200.00, but then I turned it over to see the actual cost and was so surprised that it was only 1.00. I thought to myself that I could afford many more of these beautiful works of art, and as I turned another one over to know the cost, it had a sticker on it which indicated it was meant to be sold at an auction. So I could choose a few now, which I did, putting another one I really liked into my pile, and the others I needed to wait for the auction (maybe time and the learning within this time frame, and maybe waiting is the expense?). Then I noticed high on the shelf something that caught my eye and I pointed it out to the lady. She looked and the next thing I knew I was wearing the canvas art as a top because it was a long cloth like a banner. It covered the front but my back was more exposed. I felt a bit vulnerable and exposed but was covered in a beautiful and feminine way. I remember tying the front in two knots..

Then I was in the lady’s personal condo area and we walked towards her dining area, her table and gave me a plate of food to eat. She had canned many jars of healthy veggies that we could take anytime to add flavour and nutrition to any dish that we made. I had to hurry and eat as quickly as possible because she was already walking and asking me to follow her because there was someone who wanted to meet me online. 

Then another quick dream where a man was travelling to his home country on a ship on the Atlantic ocean. He was very thankful for this voyage home which had already begun but would take about a week, maybe not quite. I vaguely remember that it would be about the sixth day from the beginning of a month. 

Also, a quick dream where me and the kids were taking bikes and maybe a car and other things off the road which had blocked anyone from passing. We were unblocking the road to prepare for a vehicle that was coming.