The Hidden Things

Father, I want to know you more. Yet I’m only me and it’s you who draws us.

I’ve put this desire in your heart my daughter -I know your love for me. 

Father, your love is unconditional and there’s nothing I can do that will make you love me more. But my devotion to you shows that I love you deeply and that I will always follow you into the deep end. 

Come Caroline, there’s something I want to show you today. Follow me deeper into my heart, for it’s only here you’ll find what your heart truly longs for. 

Father, what does my heart long for?

Wholeness, the way I’ve designed it to be. 

Father, bring my heart deeper into yours so that I will be made whole in you. Heal the brokenness inside me Lord so that I can grow stronger in your character and walk deeper in the calling you’ve placed on my life. It’s all for you Father so that I can help lead others into wholeness as well, so they can walk in the calling you’ve placed on their lives. 

My daughter, come in deeper.

Father, please lead me in deeper; please show me the hidden things. We both have hidden things in our heart I need to find, or that you lead me to find. The hidden things in my heart need to be exposed and released to you, and the hidden things in your heart need to be found by me so you can give them to me as gifts. I sense your passionate desire for this exchange, so Father, enable me and lead me to them because I want this too!

My dear one, you are mine and I will surely give you what your heart desires. You are right about my passion for this exchange and I will surely lead you to them. 

Father, I’m sensing that what you show me that’s hidden in your heart, the opposite is hidden in mine because you have the exact thing my heart needs in order to be healed. Please come and do your mighty work in me Holy Spirit -I desperately want you more!

As we walk my faithful one, I will show these to you one at a time so it’s not overwhelming for you. You’ll need to grow in each one of my gifts for you. These gifts cannot be outgrown because my heart is endless. 

Father you are so great! Please continue to put your passionate desires in my heart. You’ve given me this gift of life and the capability to walk deeply into your heart, and I don’t want to waste any minutes by not doing that. This is the most important thing I can ever do, so please help me do it!

I will surely help you my love. You are mine forever.


It gives me so much hope when I think about exchanging my brokenness for Gods wholeness, and that with every gift he gives me, I need to grow in them all my life, equipping me for my calling. It definitely gives me something to think about and brings me into having the right perspective about pursuing God more intimately. 

But even in that, if my pursuit of Gods closeness and righteousness is for personal gain then I’m a selfish person…in this way I don’t mind to be selfish:) but it really cannot be selfish because God wants us to grow in him. I’ve only known sin-selfishness and not what it means to be Godly selfish. I do want God all to myself and be the first one across the finish line in a race, but I know that all of us can have God to ourselves and be the first one across the finish line because we’re all his favourite…he’s really that awesome!! We can all have God to ourselves because he’s omnipresent, and in the same way, we’re actually sharing him with each other because there is only one God. 

Personal gain in being made whole in him is actually selfless and is the kind of life God wants us to live, but this calls for walking deeper into his heart and us wanting him to exchange our selfishness for his selflessness, so that we can better live a selfless life for him. 

One way the Lord and I are exchanging my brokenness for his wholeness is when I follow his leading as I do my recordings, which I did again yesterday.. The reason why it’s been so difficult is because I’ve felt worthless, and who wants to listen to a worthless person? The enemy tells us that who we are, are worthless, and that gets us right at the core but God says the opposite is true, that we are his. Through this lie the enemy strips our sense of authority we have in Christ in order to keep us quiet, but Gods been restoring my heart about this as I follow him. Now I’m learning what it means to actually walk in more of this freedom as I continue to learn how to do my recordings better. They are so far from being perfect, but perfection is not my goal, so I’m okay!!