Secure in Jesus

Secure in Jesus

Father, thank-you for calling me to be on time in my morning breakfasts with You. I know You want me to be prompt. Help me to be disciplined in this area with You. Being lead by You is such an adventure! The discipline I’ve learned through your leading, I would never have learned on my own. You are changing me from the inside out. I want to be like You.

Thank-you My daughter.

Lord Jesus, when I’m close to You, I sense so much authority around You. Every step You take is a solid, purposeful step. Every place You lead me is also for a specific purpose; nothing You do is a waste of time.

Yes My daughter, this is right. As you follow Me intimately, you are living for a special purpose, and when I spend My time with you, it is not a waste of My time. 

Father, it’s so nice to be validated by You!

My daughter, the purpose I have for you has a special place in My heart. I can do so much with you because you have a teachable spirit!

Jesus, You have healed me in so many ways. You have allowed me to see Your glory in many occasions… I cannot help but to want to be closer to You and be taught by You! My hearts desire is to be as close to You as I possibly can.

This is a good desire to have My child, and I richly bless you for having this desire and for being faithful to Me. I love you -I give you My blessing.


As I remember the different times Jesus has shown me something about himself as we’re walking along, I’ve always sensed a deep Peace and Purpose in His steps. As we walk, He always teaches me something, including how to rest in Him. There was one time we weren’t walking, but sitting at a round table. I thought the food was too expensive and started to get up, but Jesus was firm in His countenance to have me sit and not get up. He is always sure about what He’s doing. 

During moments of doubt or fear, I find myself searching for something to cling onto for security, not remembering what He’s already shown me about Himself. As I write this, I’m reminded that I need to remember how solid and sure He is, and to cling onto His hand for my security.