Come Holy Spirit!

My daughter, come, you are Mine. I love you.

Father, I don’t know what to say. Please let me hear you. 

My daughter, do you love me?

Dad, you know I do.

Then feed my sheep. 

Father, I need to ask you a question, but I don’t know what the question is. Can you give me a question to ask you?

Speak my daughter, and I will loosen your tongue. 

Come Holy Spirit, loosen my tongue! (Then I heard in my heart, “show me more Father!)

My daughter, hear my words; come further in! I have called you with a Holy calling. 

Father, show me more! 

Come deeper in! 

Father, help me dive deeper into your word. Make your word  come alive as I’m diving deep, and give me deep revelation about them so that I will be fed by you and so that I can feed your sheep! 

Come my faithful one, and I will do this. Be near to me every day. 

Father, I really needed to guard my rest in you today. Sometimes what I share really exposes me. 

I know.

Father, help me feed your sheep. I’m one of your sheep, so help me stay intimate with you so I can lead your sheep to you too, always pointing others to you. 

My daughter, I will always feed you when you come to me -you sit at my table. 

Jesus, I would like to see your face again. Can you show yourself to me again? 

One day my daughter.

Okay. Holy Spirit, I really really need your help in my next recording. You asked me to feed your sheep, so please help me do that.

I’m always with you Caroline -I will help you. 

Thank-you Holy Spirit.

You’re welcome Caroline -I love you with an everlasting love. You are mine.


The Lord gave me a dream two nights ago that I didn’t share, and I’m sensing I need to share it. I dreamt that I was helping a foreign family build a house, and this was the first one to go up in a new development. It went up so fast. Something I noticed was that the hallway, which was like a bridge with a hand-rail on both sides, was really narrow, making it difficult for people to use the bathroom. I noticed my mom being able to walk there so I was relieved. Another thing I noticed was, in their living area was a huge thick, multi-layered rug that covered the whole walking space. There weren’t any chairs or sofa’s, but I did notice vaguely some kind of structure on one side of the room that reminds me of how in some cultures, they set up something that represents their religion. This represents something new, a new development, and it’s foreign to me. I’m sensing this has something to do with my identity. I’m going to pursue the Lord about this. I took my dads photo off the wall near my desk; every time I looked at it, I felt drawn into sadness. I’m meeting with my mentor on the 21st -needing prayer for that. 

Last night the Lord gave me a dream where I had been sitting on something beside the road, like a raft that I didn’t see. I felt myself being carried over the curb by water. Then all of a sudden I was on a gigantic wave and was being carried up so high that the top of my head touched a white ceiling, like I was in a house, even though I was outside. Then the wave took me down really low so that when I looked up, I saw how much water surrounded me. I saw a really high wall of water on both sides of me, closing in to close the gap so high above me. I was still sitting, being carried by something, and I just closed my eyes and cried out to the Father -I was completely at his mercy! As I was being carried away by the water, I had also known that it was carrying me away from home, away from where Bella was, even though she had gone away somewhere. Then I was inside a really tall building with someone, and we wanted to leave the building to go home. We looked out of the window and saw there was still a lot of water, and we saw an SUV drive down into the water, completely submerging into the water. I had a sense that this is what we needed to do too, but we’d be okay because we’d just close the window and still keep on driving. The person with me had an idea about going down to the next floor down so I began to follow. Somewhere in my dream, it could have been a different one, where I was putting a miniature christmas tree onto a window sill. The christmas tree had some ornaments on one side, and I noticed that these ornaments were put on, at a slant, about four or five of them. Also, I had a sense that I was leaving for some place and I wanted to keep two things; one was like a round painting and the other was like a rectangular portrait. I only saw the shape, not what was on them or what it really was. I have no idea what this means but I’m trusting the Lord to lead me to know. This week I’m preparing for my recording, not sure if I’ll be able to do it this week. Thursday I’ll be going on a field trip with my daughter to the Aviation Museum. Blessings!!