Accepting God’s Proposal

My Father, this morning I’ve really been chewing on what you’ve revealed to me a short while ago. I’m really taking this seriously and won’t say no to the one I love most. But I feel like this is more than I can chew. 

My daughter, I’ve always equipped you for what I’ve asked you to do, or you would have given up a long time ago. 

I know Father. Help me remember that your words to me won’t stop. You’ll always give me fresh manna to eat and to share with others as you lead me. I will do this seemingly impossible lifelong task because nothing is impossible with you.

Caroline, I’ve called you by name and I know you. Come, what I’ve asked you to do, suits you, and many people will be blessed by what you will say. 

My Dad, please continue to teach me your ways; lead me deeper into the expanse of your heart and expand mine as we walk. Help me to grow deeper in love with you because I know this is the key to everything. 

Caroline, I will continue to make the secrets of my heart known to you, and together we will walk this road. 

Yes Father, I do want that. I’d rather be with you, learning how to conquer this mountain before us than anything else. You’ve given me meaning and purpose. I accept your proposal and will always be faithful to you, for this is my good pleasure!!


Okay the Lord has given me my first assignment…I need to prepare a sermon that has two main points. In my dream I was at a church and the pastor/teacher asked me to speak in a few weeks because I had been there for awhile. He would prepare the powerpoint and all I needed to do was speak. He told me to talk about two things that had pastoral names to it and I agreed as if I knew what he was talking about, but I had no idea and had to ask him three times to explain it. I couldn’t find blank paper around me because they all had writing on them. Then I found scrap paper that looked shiny, like it was oily, and the pastor took a piece and began to write his notes on it for me to take. Before I was at the church, I had been driving a motorcycle and had been separated from the people I was with by two big white trucks. I noticed they had turned a corner and planned to drive to where they were. Then I heard sirens, police who were chasing people who had committed a crime and was standing by an apartment door, facing the door until they passed. Then I was walking in a back alley and saw that there had been an accident where the bad people had ambushed the person in my group. I saw their white car had been in an accident and that they had passed away. I walked passed this area with my black tuque on and my dog, pretending I didn’t know what had happened as the bad people were gloating about what they had done. Then I was at the church. When I left the church afterwards, I was walking on the street and a child ran away from me terrified because people knew that I knew what had happened as it was happening. I have a little fear about a difficulty, but I’m comforted too because God has shown me in the deep dark waters where he’s leading me, that he’s the one who made the black hole that I need to go through in order to run on the paths he’s made for me in this new hidden world. I’ll need to go through this black hole of difficulty -there’s no other way.

I’m feeling a lot better and I hope to have a new post and record on Friday. I’m not sure exactly what the Lord wants me to talk about yet, but I’m not going to worry about it but continue to do like I’ve been doing, except add more scripture. I’m keeping in mind about having two main points but with God, he could have a complete other meaning from what I understand. In my dream I had a slight sense of the two points being about Jesus’s death and resurrection, so I’ll just need to trust God that he knows how to lead me!