
My Father, please come and be near to me.

I’m here My faithful one. You are mine. 

Dad, I need to record today; please help me organize it, or help me put it together today so I’m ready to record later this week. I’m sensing there’s another hardship coming and I need to do it as soon as possible just in case -hardships always set me back.

My daughter, I’m here. I’ve come and will help you-declares the Lord. 

Oh my Dad, I love you so much. Thank you for being so near to me and for giving me my life. I know you’ve already started leading me into some of my gifting. As I’m doing them Father, they give me life..encouragement and joy come as I do the things you’ve asked me to do. But Father, what defines me? I have a bit of a hard time wrapping my mind around that.

I do. I know who you are my faithful daughter.

Father, I’m faithfully yours and I’m a devoted, imperfect disciple of Jesus -it’s this that defines me. If I am yours and you are Love, then I need to be walking in Love and in all that makes you who you are, including, walking in your perspective. Your word says that as I abide in you, you abide in me. Knowing you better helps me to know me better. 

You are right Caroline, I’m near to you (reassurance). 

I understand now that being discouraged and anxious long enough can lead to depression, which disorients a person, making them forget who they are and where they’re going. I was so close to that but you Holy Spirit defended me. 

I did.

Father, I know that I’m valuable because you’ve given me value, but I think that as I continue to walk in my journey with you, you’re going to continue to open my eyes to understand what it means in a deeper way. I think I only know the surface of it, but as I follow you deeper into the heart of God and into wholeness, I will know better what it means. 

You’re right my daughter, the more you walk in wholeness, the more you will know your value.

Father please continue to lead me into wholeness. Help me to be quicker to listen to your voice so I won’t be caught by surprise by the enemy. As soon as I sense discouragement, I will tell it to go in your name before it becomes a foothold. You are my life Father -I belong to you.