

Jesus, You always know what’s best for me -I’ve learned perseverance from You. You showed me not too long ago in a dream that I don’t have shoes on my feet. I was walking beside You and I noticed I didn’t have any shoes on. I motioned for You to see, and You looked at my feet but kept on walking. Not having any shoes on tells me I don’t have the sandals of Peace -I’m sorry Jesus, will you please forgive me for not trusting in You like I should? 

I forgive you My daughter. Focus on Me, Your ever-present help in trouble. I have overcome the world, and I will help you when you feel overwhelmed, for you are in the palm of My hand. 

Lord, my heart is full of thankfulness for You. After You gave me this dream, I’ve been working on taking my thoughts captive when I realize that I’m thinking about dangerous scenarios. I’m beginning to have more Peace in my heart as I give You these thoughts and not allow them to run their full course in my mind. I recognize a transition taking place and I hope and pray that soon I will have shoes of Peace on my feet again. 

My daughter, you are right. You are learning to replace your worrisome thoughts with Trust in Me, which will cause My Peace to grow in your heart. In this your walk will be sure. 

Father, I love You and I thank You for Your ways with me. You let me walk on rough terrain and then when I come to You, You teach me about it. I will carry these lessons with me wherever I go. The lessons I learn become part of me and they develop my character. 

Yes, it’s wise to learn from everything you go through rather than letting the negative things add to your pocket of bitterness, for this destroys your soul and harms your character. Always trust in Me as you go through negative experiences, for I am able to lead you through all trials. 

Thank-you Father for Your Wisdom.

You’re welcome; Wisdom is part of who I AM. 


My thoughts behind this prayer time with the Lord was about the fear I had concerning my children and their general safety. I remember crying out to God not only for Him to protect them, but also for myself…I knew fear had got ahold of my heart. 

I don’t remember the dream God gave me, but somehow He let me know that I was in bondage to fear concerning the safety of my children. After I woke up in the morning I was relieved to know there really was nothing to fear, but it was in my power (because I knew the authority I had in the name of Jesus to come against it) to stay captive to this fear or not. I came against fear in prayer and decided not to entertain these fearful thoughts any longer. Now when I pray for their general safety, I ask the Lord if they’ll be okay. I hear a soft “yes” in my heart and I leave it at that. 

Shortly after this episode the Lord showed me in a dream that I was going to attend a celebration, and I was buying shoes for the person whom we were celebrating. God was showing me that I was once again putting my trust in Him and had regained my shoes of peace, and this was worth celebrating! I had learned to take these fearful thoughts captive and give them to the Lord before the fearful thoughts took me captive to steal away my Peace. 

To trust comes at a cost. It’s hard to give our insecurities to the Lord and trust Him in exchange, but to have God’s Peace in our heart (and shoes on our feet) is worth everything we’ve given up. Trusting in Him also refreshes our heart with Hope, and with Hope, perseverance. 

Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”