Thanksgiving and Praise!!

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.”  Psalm 100:1-5


Thank-You Holy Spirit for leading me today. I give You all the glory and I worship You. Papa You are the King of my heart. Your glory never ends. Draw me closer to Your heart Papa, every day of my life!

I love you My darling. You are Mine. Come.

Holy Spirit, if there’s a word I need to hear, what word would that be?’Trust as you follow Me. Together.

Yes, I pray that You would continue to help me trust in You in every circumstance. Thank-You for the journey we’ve been on for so long; my heart has truly been changed. I praise Your Holy Name and I honour You! There is none like You!

I love you My daughter!


Hello and welcome to my journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

11:50 I dreamt that a girl had graduated from grade 12 and had gone back to school to visit her friends.

11:55 “every night” vaguely dreamt about lemons and pressing in.

12:00 Something about Kids Rock and the kids eating. 

12:02 “This is Mercy because…” I dreamt a boy was saying this, feeling like we were at church.

12:05 I saw someone like A sitting at her desk (her desk in my dream), talking with someone. I was behind her.

12:07 In my dream I was talking to someone, hearing someone say something about their grandmother and grandfather had passed away. 

12:10 I was with some people, waiting for someone to make my latte.

12:12 I vaguely dreamt about singing one song.

12:14 (could have been 12:13) “welcome to a new relationship.”

12:16 “Connie?” “Carolyn?” A man said our names in a question kind of way and was going to ask us a question or he was going to tell us something. I heard our names very clearly. I was thinking this meant to ask two questions.

12:18 “access” “parking lot” (is required? This is vague)

12:24 I love Your voice” (You have led me through the fire) I’m excited about hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice in the setting of the church.

12:26 Lightening

1:05 The neighbour kids came into our house: We had left but came back after a few minutes. I had left and when I was in front of our house I looked to the left side and saw the front door on the upper level and knew it was unlocked. I thought I should lock it. Then I was inside upstairs on the top step. The top step was a bit slanted so it was easy to slip, but I didn’t slip but stepped up onto the floor. Then from up there I sensed and then saw our neighbour kids had come into our home and were hiding in a room on the main floor; the door to the room where they were in was open and then I saw one of the little boys’ hands. I saw that he was so scared that he was shaking (because he and his siblings had come into our home without asking us and when we weren’t there) . As I noticed him shaking (he was holding up his hands from behind the door) my husband came home through the door, and I quickly reassured the little boy that it was okay, we totally didn’t mind them coming into our house. Then I saw him slowly walk out from behind the door. Then we were all together, talking. There was another adult there. We did it!!

Then I had walked to the back yard and was looking inside our small swimming pool and I saw the neighbours baby laying at the bottom of the pool. I didn’t know how long he had been there but in my dream I remembered seeing them go into the house and thought that maybe he had been there since then. If he was in the water since then, then there could be no way that he could still be alive. There were some people talking in the door of the back of the house and I immediately yelled for help, yelling, “help! Help!” The pool was about halfway full of water and I jumped in and grabbed the baby. 

Then I was walking towards the door and had put the baby on my left arm face down, and I was hitting the baby’s back, trying to revive him, all the while yelling “help.” No one heard me and I began praying for God to bring him back to life. I remembered who I was, a daughter of God. Then I felt him begin to move! And I continued to hit him on his back to get the water out. I flipped him over so I could see his face, still holding him on my left arm. He was looking fine and wasn’t stressed at all but was breathing normally, as if nothing had happened. He didn’t have any water in his lungs. I had felt so sad earlier about the news I thought I  would need to give to his parents but I didn’t end up having to share any bad news! 

2:22 I thought he was dead (I’m not sure about this; auto correct) 

4:24 “All my life You have been faithful. All my life You have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able, I will sing, of the goodness of God.”

I had a dream where a person from India was directing a group of people. 

2:52 “Will you marry me!!!!!!!” On the way home I had fallen asleep in the passenger seat and heard these words in my heart right before waking up! Yes I would love to marry you Jesus!!!!

This morning I heard the Holy Spirit say in my heart, “middle,” before going up to get the elements, and after hearing Him. As I was standing in line at the Cafe the Holy Spirit reminded me of hearing something which made me think if chocolate milk (ch), so I was confident in that! I also asked the Holy Spirit about which basket to choose from and I sensed the middle one. The cookies in the cookie package I took were salty! The second one tasted salty and had a very strong weird taste so I had to spit it out. Then later I went and got another package from the middle basket to make up for the first one, and they tasted good!! I texted a question during both services and I’m so glad to have talked about both of them. The second one was a more personal question about if there could be spiritual blockage; I’m so glad to have talked about it and received prayer. When I got to the Kids Rock area I saw someone eating a croissant so I quickly rushed to where the coffee and snacks are and saw that there were no croissants left! But then D offered to share hers with me and I was so happy to take a piece from hers! Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t but because of my journey and learning to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice, having heard the word, croissant in a dream I knew God was leading me to have at least a piece of one! At the World Cafe I also bought a pizza danish because it was mentioned in the sermon; I don’t know if this is what I actually needed to do but I was covering all my bases! Later after the second service I bought a pastry that had a red filling in between; I’m also not sure if I needed to get one so I did just in case. During the summer I felt led to get one so I thought maybe I needed to again. I forgot to get a photo of my hot chocolate when I first got it, but I did take a photo a bit later on. Next Sunday I’m planning on getting the Pecan latte… It was so nice to be so close to Jesus today. I was so glad to see and hear such joy that I had made the right decision. I’m so excited!! We did it!! I watched the Hortons movie this afternoon. We watched this movie a long time ago and had looked for it since, to watch again but I couldn’t remember the name. What stands out to me is the beginning where the characters were yelling for help, and I had yelled for help in my dream! And “we did it!” at the end. Also that others thought he was strange when he’d talk with them, looking like he was talking with the plant; my kids and their dad think I’m strange sometimes with what I do when I do the things I”m sensing the Holy Spirit leading me to do. I had a dream a few nights ago that I saw that I had a thick tummy area/thick core (thick spiritual core). Blessings and Love…

October 14:12:27 I had a quick vision of driving on the perimeter highway, about to drive onto a highway leading south.

12:30 “successful energy” I saw a dad go into the backyard to mow the grass I think. He had walked through the backyard door and his wife and son were standing nearby. His wife had said this.

5:25 Holy, You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever.

6:14 After laying awake in bed for about an hour, not remembering any dreams or getting any words from the Lord, I was trying to figure out where I had missed. I had a vision of seeing my church mug fall to the floor, broken into pieces. Seeing a post about loneliness, not realizing this applied to me. I love You Lord, oh Your mercies never fail me. All my days, I’ve been held in Your hand. From the moment that I wake up, until I lay my head, oh I will sing, of the Goodness of God. All my life You have been faithful. All my life You have been so so Good. With every breath that I am able, I will sing, of the Goodness of God. I love Your voice, You have led me through the fire. And in darkest nights, You are close like no other. From the moment that I wake up, until I lay my head, oh I will sing, of the Goodness of God..” ❤️‍🔥

7:08 In a vision I saw a young woman stand up, vaguely seeing her very strong legs, like she had legs like a horse. 

7:17 I had a vision of two young women, sitting together, facing each other and eating; I saw one of them more clearly and she was putting something white in her mouth. She had red pants on.

7:22 I had a vision of a man who was bleeding on his pointer finger I think. He had walked up to a lady who went to get a bandaid. I’m sorry… I’m bleeding too…

7:29 I had a vision of a woman getting up from sitting on the couch and hearing the word, stage. She had been sitting where my husband normally sits, feeling like she was setting up for being on stage. I’m sensing I need to prayerfully get ready for another opportunity as I get up to be on stage. I’m sensing that the top referred to taking the top element.. I took one from the bottom one because of seeing the toddler at the bottom of the pool. I guess I shouldn’t have done that since it wasn’t good that he was at the bottom of the pool (unless this represents him soaking in the Holy Spirit). When I’m in these quick thinking moments, I don’t think of all those things. And what I was desperately praying about was which table to take from and wasn’t praying about which one on the table to take. I believe the time is soon… 🫰🏼

7:59 “My Gods not dead He’s surely alive He’s living on the inside roaring like a Lion..”

8:06 I dreamt about being in a hurry.

8:33 a boy and other family wearing a red shirt. Someone asking if we’re doing okay

8:37 you are able

8:38 “walking in freedom” (song)

8:43 seeing bright yellow in a vision

8:45 vision of a tornado coming. Seeing orange and a lot of dirt being picked up by the wind

8:48 in a dream I saw three plants in a cart; we were in a store

9:36 “Where gave all the good men gone?’

Lyrics from the song “Strong”

I dreamt that I was looking at a house from the front and telling someone I used to live in the loft of that house, saying it was really big and spacious. Then I had moved into a lower level, into a smaller room. 

I also dreamt that I was talking with Jesus my husband and when I left I noticed that my hair was messy but he didn’t seem to notice. We were at a week long event where it was really good for me to get used to being around him (feeling this in my dream).

Another part where Lucas went to his classes. He was going to leave his yellow backpack in one of the rooms where other students also went but I said not to leave his backpack there because I was worried some students would take something from his bag. So then I had it in my hands and I didn’t know where to leave it. 
As I was doing my communion this morning just now I remembered that in a dream Jesus my husband was standing on my left and we were leaning into each other as he was showing me something on his watch. There was someone vaguely on my right side. We were standing like that for more than a few moments.