All is Ready – The Stage is Set!

My Father, thank you for leading me on this journey through the desert. Every day we spent time together has been another step, going into the direction of my promised land, my calling. Father, when I wrote “my calling,” a thought so clear came into my mind that now you want me to take a group of people with me, to train them and be their coach so that you can lead them into their own calling. 

My daughter come, I will show you how and lead the way. Follow me. In this time of coaching others, seek me also for them. Train up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. 

My Father, I know my own journey with you will continue, and coaching others is part of my service to you. But in my own personal journey, I pray that you will draw me deeper into the Fathers heart. I want to keep growing deeper in love with you all my life..

And you will my darling -this will never stop. All is ready -the stage is set and all is now in its rightful place. Come my darling, let’s walk, for all is well with you. You are Mine!